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Mismatched output from successful parallel run

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Old   January 16, 2012, 12:44
Default Mismatched output from successful parallel run
New Member
Edwin Lee
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 3
Rep Power: 14
Myoldmopar is on a distinguished road

I am currently resolving a separate problem related to transferring files over multiple machines during a successful parallel run with OpenFOAM:
I encountered what I believe is a separate problem during this investigation. A quick summary: I am on computer "A" and running a simulation using 8 cores of "A", and 8 cores each on "B", "C", and "D." The simulation runs without warning, and I note the usage of each machine ramp up fully and output is generated on each machine.

The current problem is that computer "A" is missing a bunch of the time folders! Since there are four machines, deconstructPar gives each fourth processor folder to a separate machine. So "A" is in charge of "processor3", "processor7", etc., for my setup. While "B - D" all have the entire set of run times based on my output interval, "A" is missing a bunch of them...

While "B - D" all have the data at every timestep desired, "A" has it at that time step interval for a while, then appears to extend the duration between reporting steps! I can happily list the output, but didn't want to clutter this up too much since I am a lengthy poster as it is...sorry.

Thanks for any guidance!
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output data, parallel computation, reconstructpar, time st

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