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paraFoam crashes in loading polyhedral mesh

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Old   July 5, 2022, 12:10
Default paraFoam crashes in loading polyhedral mesh
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hello all!
Recently I compiled OpenFOAM v2206 along with ParaView 5.10 that comes with it, on a Ubuntu 22.04 machine. Then I prepared a simulation case setup in which I used snappyHexMesh to generate the mesh, when i try to visualize the mesh in ParaView using command
, ParaView immediately crashes. To understand what is the issue, I created a foam file using
touch case.foam
and tried loading it in ParaView using command
paraview case.foam
. There i was able to visualize the mesh properly.
To narrow down further, i tried loading the background mesh that was created using blockMesh containing only pure hex cells, using
, and i was able to load/visualize it there. So, the issue is that, paraview was able to load mesh with polyhedral cells but paraFoam crashes when loading it, but paraFoam works fine with pure hex mesh. I guess it is something to do with PVFoamReader.
I think this is not a bug, but something i am missing during compilation. Because, if it was a bug, then i am sure that some of you might have caught it long before me. I couldn't find any others reported something like this on forums and other community places, so i came here.
For your reference, I have attached log file which is made during ParaView compilation and, "" this log is made during second run of ./Allwmake after compiling paraview. and "" this is the log of error output that i got when paraFoam crashes.
FYI, i need paraFoam for my work, as those plugins i get with are very helpful. otherwise i could have gone for regular paraview. I followed all the steps mentioned in the user guide for compilation.
Could anyone please help me in fixing this issue?.
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parafoam crash, paraview, polymesh, snappyhexmesh

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