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A discrepancy by a constant factor between forces computed in OF and by integration

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Old   May 16, 2022, 11:16
Default A discrepancy by a constant factor between forces computed in OF and by integration
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Saddam Hijazi
Join Date: May 2016
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Hello everyone, I have an issue related to the computation of forces for the problem of the flow around a circular cylinder in 2D. Basically I am interested in computing the forces using numerical integration if the pressure and velocity fields at the cylinder boundary are available.

In order to do that I have first decided to run a simulation using pimpleFoam and to record the forces by OpenFOAM and then to compute the integration using the Trapezoidal rule using the pressure and velocity values at the cylinder boundary.

First I started with the pressure forces since they are easier as they don't include derivatives. The results that I got are similar to the ones of OpenFOAM. However, they are scaled by a factor which is about 8pi. I attach in this thread a pdf of the computations that I have done. Could you please let me know if I have done something wrong ?
Attached Files
File Type: pdf OpenFOAM_Forces_compressed.pdf (93.2 KB, 4 views)
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forces and force coeff., navier stokes equation, post procesing

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