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how to calculate mass flow distribution after bend

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Old   November 19, 2021, 03:33
Default how to calculate mass flow distribution after bend
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Hello guys,
I'm simulating a liquid flow inside bend, see attachment, liquid (with temperature) flow into bend from the downside and flow out of bend in the upside.

There are 4 tubes both in the inlet and outlet, I want to calculate how much liquid flow from 1 tube in the inlet to the other 4 tubes in the outlet.

I plot the stream line, theoretically I can count how many stream line come from one tube to the other 4 tubes to calculate....

Anyone got any idea??

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Old   November 21, 2021, 16:24
Default after some struggling a solution done as follows
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inspired by this post,
How to extract the coordinate of every single streamline

I export the streamline data from paraview,
1. Apply CellDatatoPointData filter on the StreamTracer filter (interpolate the SeedIds to points)
2. Export the pointdata as .csv file
3. Use the .csv file. calculate how many streamlines are from one inlet to the other outlets. Mass flow from the inlet to outlet, then could be estimated with the percentage from line number.

Here is an example script
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

path = './sample_data10k.csv'
df = pd.read_csv(path)
df=df.loc[:,['Point ID','Points_0','Points_1','Points_2','SeedIds']]

center_point = [ [0, 0.0185], [0.016021, -0.00925], [-0.016021, -0.00925], [0, 0.0185+0.105], [0.016021, -0.00925+0.105], [-0.016021, -0.00925+0.105] ]

for i,p in enumerate(center_point):
    df.loc[:,'distance_p{}'.format(i)] = ((df.loc[:,'Points_0']-p[0])**2+(df.loc[:,'Points_1']-p[1])**2)**0.5

df_p0 = df.loc[df.loc[:,'distance_p0']<r].loc[:,['Point ID','SeedIds']].drop_duplicates(subset=['SeedIds'])
df_p1 = df.loc[df.loc[:,'distance_p1']<r].loc[:,['Point ID','SeedIds']].drop_duplicates(subset=['SeedIds'])
df_p2 = df.loc[df.loc[:,'distance_p2']<r].loc[:,['Point ID','SeedIds']].drop_duplicates(subset=['SeedIds'])
df_p3 = df.loc[df.loc[:,'distance_p3']<r].loc[:,['Point ID','SeedIds']].drop_duplicates(subset=['SeedIds'])
df_p4 = df.loc[df.loc[:,'distance_p4']<r].loc[:,['Point ID','SeedIds']].drop_duplicates(subset=['SeedIds'])
df_p5 = df.loc[df.loc[:,'distance_p5']<r].loc[:,['Point ID','SeedIds']].drop_duplicates(subset=['SeedIds'])


def find_ID(L1,L2):
    for i in L1:
        if i in L2:
    return memo

for i in range(3):
    for j in range(3,6):
        print('df_p{x} to df_p{y}'.format(x=i,y=j))
        result_list = find_ID(np.array(df_plist[i]['SeedIds']), np.array(df_plist[j]['SeedIds']))
        print('number of streamlines => {}'.format(len(result_list)))

output as follows,
df_p0 to df_p3
['5933', '8485', '141', '171', '370', '446', '968', '1156', '1169', '1358', '1561', '1684', '1729', '2246', '2723', '2741', '2871', '2973', '2989', '3128', '3650', '3710', '4420', '4565', '5303', '5436', '5644', '5873', '6030', '6163', '6360', '6528', '6621', '7708', '8187', '9045', '9382', '9471', '9554', '9587', '9592', '9608', '9895', '9912']
number of streamlines => 44
df_p0 to df_p4
['449', '520', '3384', '5014', '5779', '5782', '5814', '6591', '7307', '8496']
number of streamlines => 10
df_p0 to df_p5
['6424', '37', '200', '2685', '5017', '5443', '6140', '8427', '9426']
number of streamlines => 9
df_p1 to df_p3
['8507', '869', '913', '2273', '2291', '3291', '3788', '4848', '5536', '5572', '5583', '5674', '6463', '7270', '8941', '9597', '9810', '9911']
number of streamlines => 18
df_p1 to df_p4
['4638', '9849', '163', '266', '1100', '1275', '1586', '1854', '1880', '2386', '2552', '3077', '3476', '3806', '3809', '3850', '4479', '4546', '5041', '5123', '5186', '5531', '5585', '5710', '5717', '5911', '6588', '6903', '7022', '7376', '7537', '7755', '7942', '8253', '8612', '8760', '8810', '8937', '9233', '9708', '9962']
number of streamlines => 41
df_p1 to df_p5
number of streamlines => 0
df_p2 to df_p3
['220', '900', '1408', '2776', '3932', '6039', '7489', '8090', '8353', '9234', '9497', '9823']
number of streamlines => 12
df_p2 to df_p4
number of streamlines => 0
df_p2 to df_p5
['4399', '5834', '409', '657', '725', '989', '1110', '1307', '1685', '1936', '2392', '2442', '2477', '2833', '3251', '3426', '4029', '4808', '5125', '5661', '5775', '5798', '5872', '5961', '6014', '6054', '6120', '6152', '6778', '7155', '7454', '8148', '8317', '8328', '8936', '9124', '9511', '9686', '9729', '9772', '9885', '9977']
number of streamlines => 42

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Old   November 22, 2021, 05:15
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Yann will become famous soon enoughYann will become famous soon enough

I'm not sure to understand your goal. Why not just computing the flowrate in each outlet?

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Old   November 22, 2021, 07:08
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Originally Posted by Yann View Post

I'm not sure to understand your goal. Why not just computing the flowrate in each outlet?

Hi Yann,
Thank for your reply, computing the flow for each outlet should be easy. Just integral the velocity with the surface...

But, I'm try to know how much fluid is flowing from the specific inlet tube to specific outlet tube.

For example, there are 3 tubes in the inlet and outlet, say the bottom, top-right, top left. I want to calculate how much fluid is flowing from bottom inlet tube to bottom outlet tube. It's a bit tricky.

Because these 3 tubes got different temperature, would like to calculate if there is not diffusion in the bend(only convection), what the temperature would be like for each tubes after the bend.

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Old   June 5, 2023, 09:33
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Thank you for posting this, I'm trying to do that same exact thing, could you explain your code a bit more? Did you choose the seed points for your streamlines or are they randomly seeded?
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Old   June 7, 2023, 05:51
Default passive scalar?
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I think you can do what you want by tracing a passive scalar from inlet 1 to the other inlets. I think that is more conservating than the streamline approach.

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Old   June 9, 2023, 11:40
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as far as I can remember

Position of seeds points are decided by seed Type in paraview (you can use point cloud or line and set the position), but it doesn't matter I think as long as you can get many "long enough" streamline pass from inlet to outlet.

The code above basically is checking
1. area of inlet 1 how many streamline points
2. area of outlet1 how many streamline points same as inlet1, then these points travel from inlet1 to outlet1
3. area of outlet2 how many streamline points same as inlet1, then these points travel from inlet1 to outlet2
then inlet1 outlet3 then inlet2 outlet1, inlet2 outlet2.... is offline   Reply With Quote


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