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sampling data on a plane in dynamic mesh

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Old   January 8, 2021, 06:58
Thumbs up sampling data on a plane in dynamic mesh
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ethan13 is on a distinguished road
Hi everyone,

I am doing a sloshing case in a rectangular box (figure shown below)which is revised from the official tutorial sloshingTank3D6DOF. a volume of water is placed in the left area of the box, when the simulation started, the box is rotating with Y-axis and the water will flowout. I am using interDyMFoam, OpenFOAM 2.4.0.

Currently, I want to sample the velocity at one plane (black line shown in the figure) which has basePiont(1 0 0) and normalVector(1 0 0). As the tank is moving, I also want the sample plane is moving with the tank to get the data. So in the local tank reference frame, I want the sample plane to be fixed.

From the official tutorial sloshingTank3D6DOF, I could see that there are two probes used to get the pressure data that could move with the tank. as it specified the below line to achieve that.

fixedLocations false;
I have tried to add this line in the sampleDict, but it doesn't work. Does anyone know how could I achieve this for sample utility? Any suggestions and discussion would be highly appreciated.

Beyond this,

the reason why I want to sample the velocity on this plane is that I am going to use the velocity data on it to introduce a boundary condition to my another case. it is a kind of mapping. I searched a lot on the forum. timeVaryingMappedFixedValue might be a way to do that, but it looks like that it couldn't using with dynamic mesh either. So does anyone know how to map the velocity field for dynamic mesh case? again, any suggestions and discussion would be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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Old   September 13, 2021, 10:58
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Join Date: Oct 2019
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Kraneberger is on a distinguished road
Hello ethan,

I am trying to do a similar thing but with a rotating mesh. Have you had any success? My workaround for now is too just specify a lot of probes that then move with the dynamic mesh.

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dynamic mesh;, sample utility

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