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Calculating hydraulic head using interFoam

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Old   April 9, 2020, 20:38
Default Calculating hydraulic head using interFoam
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Join Date: Apr 2020
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Verdant Frond is on a distinguished road
Hi everyone!

First off, I'm not very experienced with OpenFOAM and might easily have missed something here. That said, I have searched through the forum and seen this question turn up a few times, but unfortunately with no solutions. I'm interested in finding the hydraulic head [m] for free surface flow, using interFoam. From what I gather, hydraulic head can (in principle) be calculated easily by dividing the total pressure (p) by (rho x g).

So my question is: is there a way to do this calculation in a practical way, e.g. by way of a function in controlDict?

Furthermore, looking through the user guide, it seems to me that creating a new function object would be a smart way to do it, because the hydraulic head can then be written directly into the time-folders. I found the following document, describing how to create user defined function objects. The document gives a general outline of how to create and compile a new function object, but I haven't got a lot of experience coding. If anyone could point me in the right direction, I would be very grateful. I'll continue to work the problem and if there is any interest, I can post the case and any progress. Other thoughts and solutions are also more than welcome!

Best regards,
Verdant Frond is offline   Reply With Quote


function objects, hydraulic head, interfoam, post-possessing

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