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CreateBaffles on open/closed models

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Old   June 4, 2018, 05:38
Default CreateBaffles on open/closed models
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 41
Rep Power: 13
wouterremmerie is on a distinguished road
Hello all,

we've been experimenting with open models (in OpenFOAM 5.0):
stl files that have holes in them, allowing the flow to enter inside.
The surfaces then see fluid on both sides. In OpenFOAM, you can use createBaffles to make sure they are seen as a well. Works very well.

We apply this to many models, and sometimes, also to models that are actually closed. Normally, on a closed model, there is mesh on the inside which is cut away during the snappyHexMesh process. But when createBaffles is called on closed models (from within snappy), it will create walls out of the object with fluid on both sides. So there is fluid on the inside (trapped, in case of a closed model), which is not cut away during snappy. This causes problems for the calculation as well as visualization later on (if it converges).

We've tried running createBaffles using the standalone utility as well (which would solve the problem, as the inside of the mesh is then already cut away), after the complete mesh has been created. But this tends to be unstable, giving us errors which we cannot explain (we can't decypher the errors).

Possible solutions:
- get snappy to "detect" when a model is fully closed, so createBaffles is not run on them --> definition of a closed model (in general, also beyond OpenFOAM) is quite tricky!
- run createBaffles after snappy has finished --> this would be perfect. --> how do we get it stable, what is causing our errors? Any good reading material on this?
- ...?

All advice appreciated, thanks a lot!


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Old   June 18, 2018, 06:38
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Joćo Duarte Miranda
Join Date: Jan 2012
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JoaoDMiranda is on a distinguished road
Also interested into this.
Have similar problems. Any help would be most welcome.

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