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OF-extend: area-averaged pressure drop across one patch and one user defined surface

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Old   February 19, 2018, 15:03
Default OF-extend: area-averaged pressure drop across one patch and one user defined surface
James Gross
Join Date: Nov 2017
Posts: 77
Rep Power: 9
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Hi people,

I am trying to calculate the head of a 2D pump simulation and therefore need to calculate the pressure drop between two surfaces. One of the surfaces is a patch and the other will be a user defined surface, which is some distance from the outlet (see the first figure).

As I said in the title, I am using OF-extend, and therefore libFieldFunctionObjects doesn't seem to be available i.e. surfaceRegion isn't available.

Originally, I had split the casing into two regions, one for the main volute and another for the extension and there was a grid generalised interface (GGI) that connected the two (see the second figure). This meant that calculating the pressure difference was incredibly easy as I could use patchAverage over both of the desired patches. However, this is not a good way to proceed as there is no need for a GGI there, as both regions are stationary.

I could attempt to create an empty patch in the same region so I could perform the calculation the same, however this doesn't seem like the correct way to proceed and indeed might make the results a little less accurate.

I have tried two different methods:

1. Create a faceZone in that region in order to use a swakExpression to calculate it.
This was done by specifying a faceZone (see the third figure) in the following way:
faceSet outlet new boxToFace (0.09 0.11 0)(0.2 0.1 0.002)
setsToZones -noFlipMap
but this faceZone doesn't contain any points
    type faceZone;
    faceLabels      0();
    flipMap         0();
and so the calculation obviously doesn't work.

2. Create a cuttingPlane surface there and get the pressure field on that "surface" (it's actually a line in the case of a 2D simulation).
This was done by defining a function in the controlDict
    // Output the pressure at the inlet and the outlet
        type surfaces;
        functionObjectLibs ("");
        outputControl timeStep;
        outputInterval 100;

        setFormat foamFile;
        surfaceFormat vtk;
        interpolationScheme cellPointFace;

        fields (p);

                  type cuttingPlane;
                  planeType pointAndNormal;
                      basePoint (0.15 0.2 0);
                      normalVector (0 1 0);
                  interpolation true;
The output from this is a number of pressure values along the cuttingPlane. However, I would like the output to be an area-averaged pressure.

Does anyone know an easier way of doing this?

Attached Images
File Type: png Pump.png (53.0 KB, 5 views)
File Type: png PumpOrig.png (46.9 KB, 5 views)
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