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Runtime probe function with large number of points

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Old   October 11, 2017, 19:08
Default Runtime probe function with large number of points
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Join Date: Jan 2012
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I'm using an object function in my controlDict to save the velocity of several points at every fixed number of time step intervals. My use is analogous to the one present in the following tutorial
My issue is that I need to sample a very large number of points, in the order of 5 to 6 million points. I fully understand that disk usage is very high but am not worried about speed or performance at this point. However, the solver doesn't start the time loop. It prints out the common pre-processing and hangs immediately before the first time step, as if it were still "reading" the points. I left it running for long enough. It works the way it should with about 1000 points.

I have tried doing this defining probe lines using 'sets', but I end up with way too many files for post processing. Using 'probes' I will have a single file at the end.

Any ideas or hints about why this is happening and/or possible workarounds?


PS:I should mention that I'm using a relatively old version, 2.3.1. I have too many custom solvers for this version and can't afford the time to port them to newer versions, so I'd appreciate solutions that are available in such old version.
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probes, runtime postprocessing

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