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Text editor for huge reconstructed files

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Old   March 16, 2017, 09:33
Default Text editor for huge reconstructed files
New Member
Michael Hoss
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 8
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Dear Foamers,

I came across the problem of huge reconstructed files, which were several GB is size for example for U. Neither nedit nor gedit could efficiently display these files. Also modifying and saving takes a lot of time with the standard text editors and sometimes they completely fail.

Therefore, I want to share two bash scripts with you that I developed in order to deal with huge files:

findAndDisplay.bsh writes all occurrences of a search string into a small file, where also a certain environment of maybe +-10 lines is included. An example of such a small file is given in exampleOutput.txt. This file can then easily be modified with a standard text editor.

reinsert.bsh takes such a modified smaller file as an argument and inserts the changes back to the large original file.

  • Rename both scripts from .txt to .bsh
  • Adjust the ## inputs ## section at the beginning of both scripts to your needs (paths, file names, string to be searched). Both scripts work with absolute paths.
  • chmod 755 both scripts
  • ./findAndDisplay.bsh
  • Open the small output file and edit it depending on your needs. Important: Edit only the part in between "--- Beginning of a section --- Line xxx" and "--- End of a section --- Line yyy". Do NOT edit line numbers xxx or yyy. However, lines can be added or deleted.
  • ./reinsert.bsh

I have tested the functionality of both scripts various times and all known bugs have been fixed. However, no guarantee is given. I hope this will help somebody else and other users dealing with huge files will not have to write such scripts on their own. In case of open questions, feel free to ask in this thread.
Attached Files
File Type: txt findAndDisplay.txt (4.3 KB, 6 views)
File Type: txt reinsert.txt (4.9 KB, 1 views)
File Type: txt exampleOutput.txt (5.2 KB, 3 views)
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editor, huge file, nedit, script, text file

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