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How to convert Lagrangian data to Cell data?

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Old   December 1, 2016, 07:19
Default How to convert Lagrangian data to Cell data?
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Join Date: May 2015
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harvee is on a distinguished road
Hi there!
I'm currently using reactingParcelFoam to calculate a jet case.
I got some question about how to calculate the parcel volume fraction.

In these case:

The volume of particle is known and is a constant.
And the amount of particle in every parcel can be acquire as nParticle.
So I can determine the volume of every parcel by multiply this two numbers.

Here is the question:
The only information about parcel is the parcel's coordinate and how many particles in the parcel.

If I want to calculate the volume fraction of parcel of every single cell,
How can I do that?

Parcel Volume Fraction is defined as:
[the sum of volume of every parcel in one cell] /[volume of that cell]

Since the type of [cell volume] is Cell Data, In order to divide this two things
Some manipulation about change the Lagrangian type of Data to Cell Data is needed.

Any Ideas?

Thank you.
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lagrange particle, nparticle, post procesing, volume fraction

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