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Equidistant points on sample surface?

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Old   August 22, 2016, 05:04
Default Equidistant points on sample surface?
Join Date: Feb 2015
Posts: 39
Rep Power: 11
HenningW is on a distinguished road
Hello everyone,

I almost feel slightly embarrassed to ask this because it seems so simple:

Is it possible to sample a plane (in control dict or sampleDict) with equidistant probing points (e.g. you give the amount of points in the 2 directions)? And if it is possible, how is it done?

I want to use the sampled planes as inlet conditions for another case, but when i use

                type            surfaces;
                outputControl   timeStep;
                outputInterval  4;
                surfaceFormat   foamFile;
                        p U k epsilon
                interpolationScheme cellPoint;
                                type cuttingPlane;
                                planeType pointAndNormal;
                                    basePoint (0.5 0 0);
                                    normalVector (1 0 0);
                                interpolate true;
in my controlDict, the meshes have a varying number of points, since I have a dynamic mesh and this messes up the inlet-boundary condition, since it seems to require the same amout of points at the same spot. As least from what I see it does not read the points for each time step but a constant one at the beginning.

So how can I get the points at the same spot at all times? Or how can I convert the results the easiest way? By the way, the position and size of the cutting area remains the same, its just the points within that cange.

Any help is appreciated,

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