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How does OpenFoam compute forces?

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Old   August 5, 2016, 08:03
Exclamation How does OpenFoam compute forces?
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Nicola Demo
Join Date: Aug 2016
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Hello guys.

I'm in trouble with the OpenFoam post-processing phase, and maybe someone can help me about this. Actually I can run a OF simulation, and everything It looks good, with the post-processing done by OF. To be more precise, maybe It's userful for you, what I'm studying is a turbolent flow on a ship hull to compute the water resistance.

As I allready said, there is no problem with simulation: at the end, I found the file
where for each time step I have forces and momentum. So that's ok.

Now the hard part: I have to compute the same forces on VTK file (for result validation), but I don't find a way to do this.
In conclusion, does someone know the exact formula used by OF to compute forces? (I allready look at source code of libforces, and the documentation of course, but I didn't find anything)

Alternatively, is there OF utilities, or similar program, to get the viscosity and pressure forces starting by a VTK file?

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forces, openfoam, postprocessing, vtk, vtk files

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