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Old   May 31, 2016, 13:39
Default atmBoundary
Almond Wong
Join Date: May 2016
Posts: 68
Rep Power: 10
BakedAlmonds is on a distinguished road

I am really new to OpenFOAM.
I was experimenting with the atmBoundary operator.
Am I right to say that this operator will create some sort of boundary condition for the specified field?
For instance (which is in my case), the velocity profile uses this operator in the z-direction, therefore the velocity profile will follow the function specified in atmBoundary in the z-axis?

Here comes the problem,
1) the velocity profile also changed in the y-axis which I dont understand why as the atmBoundary operator only affect the z direction.
2) the equation should give an increasing velocity as z increases but for my case, it reduces once again when approaching the top wall (given symmetry type)

Here is a snapshot of the velocity profile (initial) due to the use of the atmBoundary operator:

Here is the input that I used:

0/U file:
type atmBoundaryLayerInletVelocity;
#include "include/ABLConditions"
type symmetry;

type symmetry;

Uref 10.0;
Zref 500;
zDir (0 0 1);
flowDir (1 0 0);
z0 uniform 0.1;
zGround uniform 0.0;
value $internalField;

Any help will be greatly appreciated. And thank you in advance!!!
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