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Specifying points for sampling surfaces in sampleDict

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Old   April 20, 2016, 08:11
Default Specifying points for sampling surfaces in sampleDict
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2015
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arieljeds is on a distinguished road
Hi there,
I'm trying to get a more accurate pressure reading for flow around a cylinder. I tried first setting up probes and running probeLocations, but I then discovered the sample surfaces utility, which seemed to take the value directly on the patch, rather than the distance away that I had the probe set up.

I tried to set up the probes directly on the cylinder (as the surfaces does), but it said it had zero values and the surfaces utility seems to work well so now I want to set it up to sample the surface around the whole cylinder.

I have this set up inside my sampleDict:

    	type            patch; //surfaces;  
    	//functionObjectLibs ( "" );
    	patches		("cylinder");

    	enabled         true;
    	outputControl   timeStep;
    	outputInterval  1;
    	interpolationScheme	cellPoint;
    	surfaceFormat	csv;
    	    	type	patch;
    	    	patches	("cylinder");
    	    	interpolate	true;
    	   	triangulate	false;
Which is doing what I want it to, except that it is only printing values in one quadrant of the cylinder (and then varying the depth, which I want it to do). How can I set it up to record points around the entire cylinder?

EDIT: Ok I've answered my own question -- I am sampling around the entire surface (I didn't scroll the whole way down, they are ordered strangely). I'm still wondering the same question though -- is there a way to specify exactly where is being sampled?

Last edited by arieljeds; April 20, 2016 at 08:27. Reason: Answered my own question :-)
arieljeds is offline   Reply With Quote


cylinder, sample surface, sampledict, surface, wavefoam

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