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Using FoamToEnsight with Dynamic Mesh Solvers

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Old   February 25, 2016, 15:01
Exclamation Using FoamToEnsight with Dynamic Mesh Solvers
Raunak Bardia
Join Date: Jan 2015
Posts: 32
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Hello Foamers,

I have a very specific problem here. I am a novice at using dynamic meshes in OpenFoam. I recently ran a droplet collision case with interDyMFoam using the dynamicRefinefvMesh format.

The simulation ran perfectly and I am able to visualize this setup(with the refined mesh) if I run FoamToEnsight for each step. However, when I run FoamToEnsight on all time steps combined, I am unable to read the case file. Only the first time step creates a "*.mesh" file while the other time steps don't. This results in an error while reading the case file in EnSight. I tried the noZero option with Ensight and it didn't work either.

Interestingly, I ran the floating object tutorial case as well. That uses the dynamicMotionSolverfvMesh. In that case, when I ran foamToEnsight -noZero, it gave me "*.mesh" file for each time step. Hence, I am able to visualize this case.

Can anyone help me with this? I am really running out of options to visualize my result.
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foamtoensight, interdymfoam, mesh, mesh adaptation

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