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Output interval for probe and cuttingplanes

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Old   December 2, 2014, 03:55
Default Output interval for probe and cuttingplanes
New Member
Simon Johansson
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 15
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Simjoh is on a distinguished road
Hi all,
I've just started to learn OpenFOAM and learn a lot through the post in this forum. Tank you all.

Now I want to contribute a little myself or get feedback on my solution to a problem I found.

The problem:
I'm running a quite large mesh and I do not want to save the fields of U and P over the whole volume at a short timestep. But probe and export cuttingplanes at a high frequency.
The settings in my controlDict are:
writeControl runTime;
writeInterval 1;

with these settings I cannot control the outputInterval in my cuttingplane and probe functions of the value to be at a interval of a fraction of the value writeInterval in controldict. Only integer multiple. Only option to get the output at a higer frequency then specified in controlDict is to use timeStep. But I want to control the same way as in my controlDict but setting the writeInterval to 0.01;

I used the #codeStream to solve this. But please tell me if there are any nicer way to do it. To make the code easier to read I commented it a little there are also some outputs to terminal that I found helpful
getting used to C++.

Remove the outputInterval YOURINTEGER;
and repalce with

outputInterval #codeStream
double deltaT=$deltaT; // Get the delta t at the current step
//label tt = max(2,dT);
//double rat;
double dtOutput =0.02; //How often samples should be made
cout << "test" << deltaT << " \n"; //Testoutput
double ratio = (dtOutput/deltaT); //calculate Line not needed
cout << "test" << ratio << " \n"; //Testoutput Line not needed
int n = int(dtOutput/deltaT); // Make to integer
cout << "test" << n << " \n"; //Testoutput
os << n;

The code might seem a little messy for all advanced users. But as a beginner I found it useful to have some outputs while I'm working/learning. Especially when I had no knowledge of C++ before starting with this. Of course the code should be simplified when it's working as you like.

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#codestream, functionobjects, probe function, write control

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