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offscreen rendering test

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Old   July 9, 2014, 12:11
Default Off-Screen Rendering Test
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Daniel WEI (老魏)
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Hi all,

I am trying to do a an offscreen rendering test, I am wondering if anyone could give it a try and see if it works on your system? Thanks. This is for offscreen rendering your velocity magnitude screenshot in the xy-plane.

(0). I trust you have installed your OpenFOAM already, also please also make sure openmpi installed, glibc should not be too small. If you are using ubuntu, then everything should be just fine.
(1). Download this executable
(2). Run a test case such as cavity flow from tutorial icoFoam. Extract and put this executable somewhere in your path, or put it under the cavity case folder for a test.
(3). Try run "offScreenRenderPro -h", see if it works, if it does, then you will see something like:
$ offScreenRenderPro -h

offScreenRenderPro (c) 2014 Daniel Wei
Get the latest velocity screenshot

Usage: offScreenRenderPro <option(s)>

        [-h],[--help]           Show help message
        [--PNG]                 Save screenshot as png format
        [--OSN]                 Turn off the offscreen rendering
        [-cx] CENTER.X()        Specify the x coor of the camera position and focal point
        [-cy] CENTER.Y()        Specify the y coor of the camera position and focal point
        [-cr] RADIUS            Specify the radius of the camera
        [-sx] IMAGESIZE.X()     Specify the x size of output image
        [-sy] IMAGESIZE.Y()     Specify the y size of output image
        [-o] OUTPUTFILENAME     Figure name without extension

        [+] VTK, boost needed if not statically built
        [+] Glibc version should be large enough
        [+] MUST run under the current case folder
        [+] Only PNG export is supported

        [+] Options are case insensitive
        [+] Options' leading dash could be one or more
        [+] Default cameral position is (0.0,0.0)
        [+] Default cameral focalPt is (0.0,0.0)
        [+] Default cameral view radius is 1.0
        [+] Default image size is 600x600. It should not larger than screensize (say, 900)
        [+] Radius means the square figure's half width
        [+] Default output figure format is png
        [+] Default output file name is screenshot.png
        [+] Single dashed options require an argument
        [+] Double dashed options do not require an argument

        [+] offScreenRenderPro -cx 0.0 -cy 0.0 -cr 1
        [+] offScreenRenderPro -cx 0.0 -cy 0.0 -cr 1 -sx 900 -sy 900
(4). Then under the cavity case folder, run
./offScreenRenderPro -cx 0.5 -cy 0.5 -cr 0.5
There you go, you should be able to find the screenshot.png generated under your case folder now. It shows the latest time's velocity magnitude. 0.5 for cx and cy is because cavity dimension is [0~1], so we are putting our camera in the center of cavity. cr is 0.5, this means the screenshot size radius is 0.5. You can also change sx and sy if you want.


Daniel WEI
Boeing Research & Technology - China
Beijing, China

Last edited by lakeat; July 10, 2014 at 19:03.
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