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Helical Coiled Tube - Sample data in cut planes

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Old   April 29, 2012, 07:23
Default Helical Coiled Tube - Sample data in cut planes
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Jacopo De Amicis
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I am a new user of Open Foam and I am not completely familiar with it yet. Currently I am dealing with steady-state flow in a circular helically coiled pipe and I would like to plot the velocity field in different sections along the pipe which are perpendicular to the helical axis. These sections are not parallel to the x-,y-,z- axis and I am not sure how I can sample the points which define these sections in paraView. I'm able to create a cut plane, however I can't isolate the section I'm interested in (if I cut a helical tube, I obtain different sections, but just one of them is correct).

I also created a sampleDict to make the same operation described above, but I still have the same problem: there I could manage the data and I could exclude the points that are too far from a reference one (for example I could accept only those which are at a distance less than a radius form the center of the section). However, it would be much simplier to do it automatically with the sampleDict.

Thank you so much, I hope someone can help me
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Old   April 11, 2013, 15:15
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Join Date: Aug 2012
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miladrakhsha is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by deandrade View Post

I am a new user of Open Foam and I am not completely familiar with it yet. Currently I am dealing with steady-state flow in a circular helically coiled pipe and I would like to plot the velocity field in different sections along the pipe which are perpendicular to the helical axis. These sections are not parallel to the x-,y-,z- axis and I am not sure how I can sample the points which define these sections in paraView. I'm able to create a cut plane, however I can't isolate the section I'm interested in (if I cut a helical tube, I obtain different sections, but just one of them is correct).

I also created a sampleDict to make the same operation described above, but I still have the same problem: there I could manage the data and I could exclude the points that are too far from a reference one (for example I could accept only those which are at a distance less than a radius form the center of the section). However, it would be much simplier to do it automatically with the sampleDict.

Thank you so much, I hope someone can help me
Hello Deandrade
I am a new user of OPEN FOAM as well, and my case is a helically coiled pipe too.
I was wondering if you can help in modeling the geometry in OPENFOAM. have you used any other software to model a coil or generated the geometry and the mesh directly in blockMeshDic ?
I really appreciate your favor.
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