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7th OpenFOAM Workshop

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Old   January 11, 2012, 04:42
Default 7th OpenFOAM Workshop
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Holger Marschall
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Dear FOAMers,

on behalf of the OpenFOAMŪ Workshop Committee, the Darmstadt local committee is proud to announce the 7th OpenFOAMŪ Workshop and would like to cordially invite you to attend the world's largest workshop on OpenFOAMŪ.

June 25-28, 2012
Darmstadtium - Darmstadt, Germany (next to Frankfurt)
Center of Smart Interfaces (CSI), TU Darmstadt
Graduate School of Computational Engineering (GSCE), TU Darmstadt
Holger Marschall -
Please visit or for more information on a regular basis. Alternatively, please sign for the OFW7 newsletter.

Your local OpenFOAMŪ-Workshop Organizing Committee,
Your OpenFOAMŪ Workshop Committee,

Program at a glance

  • June 25 - Training Day - For the benefit of new users and people interested in knowing the OpenFOAMŪ simulation platform, a Basic Training will be arranged on June 25. For more advanced users, an Advanced Training will also be organized on June 25.
  • June 26 and 27 - Plenary sessions, technical sessions and poster sessions will be held on June 26 and June 27. June 26 will be concluded with the workshop banquet dinner and cultural evening in a historical German castle.
  • June 28 - Community Day - June 28th will be dedicated to collaborative work. It will be encouraged through working group activities, Special Interest Groups (SIG) meetings, BoF sessions, clinics and plenary sessions.

The flexibility, efficiency and capabilities of OpenFOAMŪ technology make OpenFOAMŪ a powerful CFD tool to perform fundamental studies and industrial investigations of complex physical processes. This event intends to bring together its developers and users, to promote collaborative activities, exchange information and share experiences in similar areas of interest. The 7th OpenFOAMŪ Workshop is
  • a community forum and open discussion platform for OpenFOAMŪ users and developers,
  • the largest OpenFOAMŪ community event of the word (expected 400 participants),
  • since 2006: sustainable, community-driven and non-profit.

This community event is not approved or endorsed by Silicon Graphics International Corp. or the OpenFOAMŪ Foundation, the producer of the OpenFOAMŪ software and owner of the OpenFOAMŪ trade mark. The OpenFOAMŪ Workshop Organizing Committee is not affiliated with Silicon Graphics International Corp. or the OpenFOAMŪ Foundation. However, the committe members duly acknowledge the trademark.
Holger Marschall

Last edited by holger_marschall; January 21, 2012 at 10:31. Reason: update: committee contacts
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Old   February 1, 2012, 18:27
Default 7th OpenFOAM Workshop -- Call of Abstracts, Sponsors & Exhibitors, Registration Info
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Holger Marschall
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Call for Abstracts - Sponsors & Exhibitors
- Registration Info - Community Day!

Dear FOAMers,

the websites for the 7th OpenFOAMŪ Workshop - taking place in Darmstadt Germany, June 25-28, 2012 - have been updated!

Call for Abstracts
The OpenFOAMŪ Workshop Committee is now calling for the submission of abstracts. All users and developers of OpenFOAMŪ technology are invited to contribute to the 7th OpenFOAMŪ Workshop. For abstract submission please visit

Sponsor & Exhibitor Packages
Sponsors and Exhibitors add another dimension to the 7th OpenFOAMŪ Workshop! They help to broaden the perspective of the event and offer attendees additional sources for information and solutions. In turn, the 7th OpenFOAMŪ Workshop offers a venue focused on OpenFOAMŪ technology and attendees that are skilled, being or becoming professionals, employees and consultants.If you are interested in becoming a sponsor or exhibitor at the 7th OpenFOAMŪ Workshop 2012, please visit

Registration Information
The OFW7 websites have been updated: we are proud to announce the registration fees, being again kept as low as possible, since the OpenFOAM Workshop event is non-profit and community-driven, since 2006! For more information visit

Survey! Community Day
At the community day we will schedule additional space and time for your needs! Please express yourself and vote on the types of clinics, group sessions and/or meetings you want to attend at the 7th OpenFOAMŪ Workshop. Please visit

The Local OpenFOAMŪ Workshop Committee
Holger Marschall -

Important Dates and Deadlines
  • 1st February to 20th March, 2012
    Call for Abstracts for oral presentations and/or posters
  • 1st April, 2012
    Notification of selected abstracts for oral/poster presentations
  • 1st April, 2012 to 15th May, 2012
    Registration to Workshop
  • 16th May, 2012 to 15th June, 2012
    Registration to Training Courses

Please note the deadline for early-bird registration is strictly fixed and set to April 30, 2012.

This community event is not approved or endorsed by Silicon Graphics International Corp. or the OpenFOAMŪ Foundation, the producer of the OpenFOAMŪ software and owner of the OpenFOAMŪ trade mark. The OpenFOAMŪ Workshop Organizing Committee is not affiliated with Silicon Graphics International Corp. or the OpenFOAMŪ Foundation. However, the committe members duly acknowledge the trademark.
Holger Marschall

Last edited by holger_marschall; February 1, 2012 at 18:36. Reason: Added dates and deadlines
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Old   March 21, 2012, 03:13
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Holger Marschall
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Update II
Abstract Submission - Call for Trainers - Venue and Accommodation - Sponsors & Exhibitors

Dear FOAMers,

the websites for the 7th OpenFOAMŪ Workshop - taking place in Darmstadt Germany, June 25-28, 2012 - have been updated!

Extended Abstract Submission Deadline
The deadline to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentations for the 7th OpenFOAMŪ Workshop has been extended. The final deadline to submit will be March 30, 2012. Note that the final submission deadline is strict and will not be extended. Please use the abstact submission form for your contributions (oral or poster presentation):
We are looking forward to seeing you at the 7th OpenFOAM Workshop!!

Call for Trainers
Following the success of the previous OpenFOAM Workshops, a training day will be organized in the format of university courses. Therefore, we are happy to announce
OFW Training Courses on OpenFOAM Technology
For all who are interested in giving a training at the 7th OpenFOAM please login and submit a short abstract holding the following key-info:
  1. title & topic
  2. scope & objective
  3. description of content
  4. requirements (for USB stick)
Please use the abstact submission form for your contribution:
For more info visit:
Venue & Accommodation
The workshop websites have been updated, now holding information about accommodation and workshop venue. For more information visit
Please make your registration directly with the hotel of your choice according to the instructions at the homepage, as soon as you have decided to attend the
workshop. Note that different hotels have different deadlines, and different reservation codes! Reservations with call-in allotment (i.e., room rebates) are valid till May 13, 2012!

Sponsor & Exhibitor Packages
The Sponsor and Exhibitor spaces is going fast. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor or exhibitor at the 7th OpenFOAM Workshop 2012, please visit
Please note that for the first time we grant rebates for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs). For more information, please visit the above link.

Preparation - General Info
  • Registration
    The registration will be online from April 1 to May 15, 2012. Please note the deadline for early-bird registration is strictly fixed and set to April 30, 2012. Though we are planning for a large number of attendees, there is of course an maximum absolute number, constrained by the capacity of our auditoriums. Hence, please consider early registration to your benefit of an reduced early-bird attendee fee.
    We are currently setting up the payment and registration form for credit card payment. Please prepare your payment if you intend to attend the workshop.
  • Budget
    We have received the left-over budget from PennState University, where the 6th OpenFOAM Workshop was held. Thank you, Eric!!
  • Spread the word!
    Please forward this message to anyone you think might be interested in attending the OpenFOAM Workshop.

The Local OpenFOAMŪ Workshop Committee
Holger Marschall -

Important Dates and Deadlines
  • 1st February to 20th March, 2012 extended to 30th March, 2012
    Call for Abstracts for oral presentations and/or posters
  • 1st April, 2012
    Notification of selected abstracts for oral/poster presentations
  • 1st April, 2012 to 15th May, 20122
    Registration to Workshop
  • 16th May, 2012 to 15th June, 2012
    Registration to Training Courses
Please note the deadline for early-bird registration is strictly fixed and set to April 30, 2012.

This community event is not approved or endorsed by Silicon Graphics International Corp. or the OpenFOAMŪ Foundation, the producer of the OpenFOAMŪ software and owner of the OpenFOAMŪ trade mark. The OpenFOAMŪ Workshop Organizing Committee is not affiliated with Silicon Graphics International Corp. or the OpenFOAMŪ Foundation. However, the committe members duly acknowledge the trademark.
Holger Marschall

Last edited by holger_marschall; March 21, 2012 at 03:46.
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Old   April 5, 2012, 09:56
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Holger Marschall
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Update III
Registration Opened - Sponsors & Exhibitors

Dear FOAMers,

the websites for the 7th OpenFOAMŪ Workshop - taking place in Darmstadt Germany, June 25-28, 2012 - have been updated!

Registration Opened!
Registration for the 7th OpenFOAMŪ Workshop has been opened:

Please note the deadline for early-bird registration is strictly fixed and set to April 30, 2012.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the 7th OpenFOAM Workshop!!

Sponsor & Exhibitor Packages
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor or exhibitor at the 7th OpenFOAM Workshop 2012, please visit

Please note that for the first time we grant rebates for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs). For more information, please visit the above link.

General Info
  • Spread the word!
    Please forward this message to anyone you think might be interested in attending the OpenFOAM Workshop.

The Local OpenFOAMŪ Workshop Committee
Holger Marschall -

Important Dates and Deadlines
  • 1st April, 2012
    Notification of selected abstracts for oral/poster presentations
  • 1st April, 2012 to 15th May, 20122
    Registration to Workshop
  • 16th May, 2012 to 15th June, 2012
    Registration to Training Courses
Please note the deadline for early-bird registration is strictly fixed and set to April 30, 2012.

This community event is not approved or endorsed by Silicon Graphics International Corp. or the OpenFOAMŪ Foundation, the producer of the OpenFOAMŪ software and owner of the OpenFOAMŪ trade mark. The OpenFOAMŪ Workshop Organizing Committee is not affiliated with Silicon Graphics International Corp. or the OpenFOAMŪ Foundation. However, the committe members duly acknowledge the trademark.
Holger Marschall
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Old   April 15, 2012, 16:40
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Holger Marschall
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Update IV
Program & Book of Abstracts - Early-Bird Registration

Dear FOAMers,

the websites for the 7th OpenFOAMŪ Workshop - taking place in Darmstadt Germany, June 25-28, 2012 - have been updated!
Program & Book of Abstracts
The program has been finalized. Please visit:
The Book of Abstracts for the 7th OpenFOAMŪ Workshop will be prepared during this week.

Early-Bird Registration

Please note the deadline for early-bird registration is strictly fixed and set to April 30, 2012. Registration for the 7th OpenFOAMŪ Workshop:
We are looking forward to seeing you at the 7th OpenFOAM Workshop!!

General Info
  • Spread the word!
    Please forward this message to anyone you think might be interested in attending the OpenFOAM Workshop.

The Local OpenFOAMŪ Workshop Committee
Holger Marschall -

Important Dates and Deadlines
  • 1st April, 2012 to 15th May, 20122
    Registration to Workshop
  • 16th May, 2012 to 15th June, 2012
    Registration to Training Courses
Please note the deadline for early-bird registration is strictly fixed and set to April 30, 2012.

This community event is not approved or endorsed by Silicon Graphics International Corp. or the OpenFOAMŪ Foundation, the producer of the OpenFOAMŪ software and owner of the OpenFOAMŪ trade mark. The OpenFOAMŪ Workshop Organizing Committee is not affiliated with Silicon Graphics International Corp. or the OpenFOAMŪ Foundation. However, the committe members duly acknowledge the trademark.
Holger Marschall
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Old   April 21, 2012, 11:38
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Holger Marschall
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Update V
Reminder: Early-Bird Registration - Training Courses - Book of Abstracts

Dear FOAMers,

7th OpenFOAMŪ Workshop takes place in Darmstadt Germany, June 25-28, 2012. Please visit
With this notification we mainly would like to remind you that the deadline for registration at early-bird fee is approching within the next 10 days. For your planing, we have further updated the websites, which now hold the training schedule and book of abstracts. Please follow the links below for more information:

Reminder: Early-Bird Registration
Please note the deadline for early-bird registration is strictly fixed and set to April 30, 2012.
Registration for the 7th OpenFOAMŪ Workshop:
Training Courses
The training program has been uploaded. Please visit:
There are free slots left. So we keep up the call for trainers! Please contact us if you are interested.

Book of Abstracts

The Book of Abstracts for the 7th OpenFOAMŪ Workshop is available now. Please visit
We are looking forward to seeing you at the 7th OpenFOAM Workshop!!

Spread the word! Please forward this message to anyone you think might be interested in attending the OpenFOAM Workshop.

The Local OpenFOAMŪ Workshop Committee
Holger Marschall -

Important Dates and Deadlines
  • 1st April, 2012 to 15th May, 20122
    Registration to Workshop
  • 16th May, 2012 to 15th June, 2012
    Registration to Training Courses
Please note the deadline for early-bird registration is strictly fixed and set to April 30, 2012.

This community event is not approved or endorsed by Silicon Graphics International Corp. or the OpenFOAMŪ Foundation, the producer of the OpenFOAMŪ software and owner of the OpenFOAMŪ trade mark. The OpenFOAMŪ Workshop Organizing Committee is not affiliated with Silicon Graphics International Corp. or the OpenFOAMŪ Foundation. However, the committe members duly acknowledge the trademark.
Holger Marschall
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Old   April 24, 2012, 11:55
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Paulo Vatavuk
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I won't be able to attend the Workshop and I think there are many people in the same situation. Would it be possible for the organizers to make some web cams available so that we could follow the workshop online?
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Old   April 25, 2012, 05:03
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Holger Marschall
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Originally Posted by vatavuk View Post
I won't be able to attend the Workshop and I think there are many people in the same situation. Would it be possible for the organizers to make some web cams available so that we could follow the workshop online?
Dear Paulo Vatavuk,

thanks for your feedback! Unfortunately, we will not be able (and probably not allowed by law) to set up webcams for the workshop. However, as for the previous workshops, all material (including training USB stick, slides and handouts as well as posters and presentations of the technical sessions) will be online and provided via

best regards,
Holger Marschall
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Old   May 15, 2012, 17:54
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Holger Marschall
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Update VI
Extension of Registration Period - Training Courses (Course Enrolment & Training Abstracts online)

Dear FOAMers,

the websites for the 7th OpenFOAMŪ Workshop - taking place in Darmstadt Germany, June 25-28, 2012 - have been updated!
Please follow the links below for more information:

Extented Registration Period
The registrations to the 7th OpenFOAM Workshop already exceed the total numbers of FOAMers having attended the previous workshops (OFW5 or OFW6).
Due to the ongoing demand we have extended the registration period by one month (June 17, 2012). Since we might be facing limited place soon, please note that registration could close at any time now without prior notification or warning. Please assist us in our organisational efforts and register at your earliest convenience.

Registration for the 7th OpenFOAMŪ Workshop:
Training Courses (Course Enrolment & Training Abstracts online)
The Training Abstracts to this year's courses have been provided by most of the trainers. Please visit and click onto the training course for a download:
Additionally, the Course Enrolment System is online.Workshop participants are able to choose 1 class per time slot, for a total of 4 classes. Chosen classes can be from any session. Please start enroling for the training sessions!
There is still one free slot left. So we keep up the Call for Trainers! Please contact us if you are interested.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the 7th OpenFOAM Workshop!!

Spread the word! Please forward this message to anyone you think might be interested in attending the OpenFOAM Workshop.

The Local OpenFOAMŪ Workshop Committee
Holger Marschall -

Important Dates and Deadlines
  • 1st April, 2012 to 17th June, 2012
    Registration to Workshop
  • 16th May, 2012 to 15th June, 2012
    Registration to Training Courses

This community event is not approved or endorsed by Silicon Graphics International Corp. or the OpenFOAMŪ Foundation, the producer of the OpenFOAMŪ software and owner of the OpenFOAMŪ trade mark. The OpenFOAMŪ Workshop Organizing Committee is not affiliated with Silicon Graphics International Corp. or the OpenFOAMŪ Foundation. However, the committe members duly acknowledge the trademark.
Holger Marschall

Last edited by holger_marschall; May 15, 2012 at 18:09. Reason: corrected link
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Old   May 24, 2012, 06:51
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Tomislav Maric
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Update VII
Live CAE Linux based distribution

Dear FOAMers,

for the 7th OpenFOAMŪ Workshop to be held in Darmstadt, Germany on June 25-28, 2012, we have prepared a Live CAE Linux based distribution with various CAE Software and of course, different OpenFOAM versions.

We would like to thank Joel Cugnoni from the CAE Linux project for his work and support in creating the distribution.

Constructive comments that came from from the trainers, especially Bernhard Gschaider and Hakan Nilsson were also very helpful and are appreciated.


The .iso file:

The md5sum:

Burning of the .iso on a USB disk with data persistence

We are using the usb-creator-gtk application to burn the disk because it supports the creation of a persistency file, allowing the user to store information on the disk permanently.

Instructions are available here:

Note: if the disk is burned without the persistence option, the networking is not available (reasonable, since there is no chance of storing e.g. the dhcp and log info to the / filesystem). Please use a 8GB USB disk if you intend to have persistent data, we are currently in the process of further reducing the size of the .iso so that it can be burned on the 4GB usb disks as well.


The live distribution can also be easily tested in a virtual machine. For this purpose, we are using the official (non-ose) version of the Virtualbox application:

because it supports guest additions that allow easy connection of USB devices, etc.

Booting process

In order to boot from the USB disk, the boot order needs to be changed on your machine, so that the USB hard disk is placed first in the list. You can do this in the BIOS, or in the machine's Startup Menu.

Once the distribution starts booting, you will see a black screen showing the following:

To continue the booting process just hit the return key (Enter).


The terminals that bring up consoles for different versions of OpenFOAM compiled with different WM_COMPILE_OPTIONS (Opt, Debug) are linked on the desktop.

If you open a new tab you have an empty environment, which you can define for a desired version by calling:

  • OF16ext : for the OpenFOAM 1.6-ext library (Opt)
  • OF16extDebug : for the OpenFOAM 1.6-ext library (Debug)
  • OF21 : for the OpenFOAM 2.1.0 library (Opt)
  • OF20x: for the OpenFOAM 2.0.x library (Opt)
OF16extProf : this script initializes the environment for the OpenFOAM-1.6-ext library with the Prof option, but the installation is not available to restrict the size of the final .iso file. However, if you want to use this version, feel free to compile it. Provided you have enough space on the USB (more than 4GB), the changes will be saved and you can use the source scripts to work with this compilation option as well.

Installed Software

The installation provides the following software:


Paraview-3.10.0 (OpenFOAM-1.6-ext)
Paraview-3.12.0 (OpenFOAM-2.1.0, OpenFOAM-2.0.x)


You can also view the list of the available applications and libraries that are installed using the package system by executing the command:

dpkg --get-selections

How you can help us

To increase the chances of success for the Training sessions of the 7th OpenFOAMŪ Workshop we would benefit greatly if you could report problems that you find in the workflow with the distribution.

Problems with the environment settings, connecting to a wireless network, drivers, etc could be avoided in advance if we had some input on how the distribution is behaving on various notebooks.

So, if it runs, let us know, if it fails, tell us what failed, and for this purpose, please open a new thread in another section of the forum, since this one is reserved for Announcements.

Tomislav Maric -
Your local OpenFOAMŪ-Workshop Organizing Committee,
Your OpenFOAMŪ Workshop Committee,

This community event is not approved or endorsed by Silicon Graphics International Corp. or the OpenFOAMŪ Foundation, the producer of the OpenFOAMŪ software and owner of the OpenFOAMŪ trade mark. The OpenFOAMŪ Workshop Organizing Committee is not affiliated with Silicon Graphics International Corp. or the OpenFOAMŪ Foundation. However, the committe members duly acknowledge the trademark.
elvis, boby and Bernhard like this.

Last edited by tomislav_maric; June 20, 2012 at 10:26.
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Old   May 26, 2012, 16:40
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Tomislav Maric
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Originally Posted by Bernhard View Post
Thanks for this wonderful effort in distributing such an live-usb. This should make life a bit easier.

I was able to create the bootable USB with the instructions you supply. On booting I get however an error-message that I do not understand.

And it repeats this message.

By the way, I created the USB from Ubuntu 11.10. Googling suggests that is may have to do with this, but I absolutely have no clue for now. Any suggestions?
Hi Bernhard,

if I understood it right, Elvis has seen the same thing, he asked about it here:

Try hitting "Enter".
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Old   May 29, 2012, 04:46
Default Registration Reminder - Training Course Enrolment & USB Distro Online
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Holger Marschall
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Update VIII
Registration Reminder - Training Course Enrolment & USB Distro Online

Dear FOAMers,

Registration Reminder
With this notification we mainly would like to remind you that the registration period has been extended to June 17, 2012. However, in order to assist our organizational efforts, register no later than June 8, 2012: We can not guarantee that registration is open after June 8, 2012, due to space limitation and planning reliability. Therefore, please register at your earliest convenience.

Registration for the 7th OpenFOAMŪ Workshop:

Training Course Enrolment & USB Distro
The Training Abstracts to this year's courses have been provided by most of the trainers. Please visit and click onto the training course for a download:
Additionally, the Course Enrolment System is online.Workshop participants are able to choose 1 class per time slot, for a total of 4 classes. Chosen classes can be from any session. Please start enroling for the training sessions!
More information about our OpenFOAMŪ Workshop Live Distribution on USB stick can be found above (Update VII):
There is still one free slot for the training left. So we keep up the Call for Trainers! Please contact us if you are interested.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the 7th OpenFOAM Workshop!!

Spread the word! Please forward this message to anyone you think might be interested in attending the OpenFOAM Workshop.

The Local OpenFOAMŪ Workshop Committee
Holger Marschall -

Important Dates and Deadlines
  • 1st April, 2012 to 15th May 17th June, 2012
    Registration to Workshop
  • 16th May, 2012 to 15th June, 2012
    Registration to Training Courses

This community event is not approved or endorsed by Silicon Graphics International Corp. or the OpenFOAMŪ Foundation, the producer of the OpenFOAMŪ software and owner of the OpenFOAMŪ trade mark. The OpenFOAMŪ Workshop Organizing Committee is not affiliated with Silicon Graphics International Corp. or the OpenFOAMŪ Foundation. However, the committe members duly acknowledge the trademark.
Holger Marschall
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Old   June 3, 2012, 18:25
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Holger Marschall
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Update IX
Registration Reminder - Final Updates: Program for Training, Technical Sessions and Community Day Online & Book of Abstracts updated!

Dear FOAMers,

Registration Reminder
Registration closes soon! We can not guarantee that registration is open after June 8, 2012, due to space limitation and planning reliability. In order to assist our organizational efforts, register no later than June 8, 2012:

Registration for the 7th OpenFOAMŪ Workshop:

Final Updates on ProgramWe are approaching the organization finish line. However, your input is required to form the community day!
  • Community Day (June 28)
The Preliminary Program for the Community Day (Special Interest Group Meetings, BoF Meeting, Clinics and Presentations of Sponsors) is roughly formed now. All time slots and sessions are prepared. Please visit for more information:

Use our Community Day Vote System to let us know what YOU are interested in. We are eager to hear your ideas!

  • Technical Days (June 26-27)
The OpenFOAMŪ Workshop Book of Abstracts has been updated, now holding all workshop contributions. To download the updated book of abstracts please click:

  • Training Day (June 25)
The Training Abstracts to this year's courses have been provided by nearly all trainers now. Please visit and click onto the training course for a download:

The Course Enrolment System is online:Workshop participants are able to choose 1 class per time slot, for a total of 4 classes. Chosen classes can be from any session. Please start enroling for the training sessions!

More information about our OpenFOAMŪ Workshop Live Distribution on USB stick can be found here:

The training schedule is now complete; we are closing the call for trainers.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the 7th OpenFOAM Workshop!!

Spread the word! Please forward this message to anyone you think might be interested in attending the OpenFOAM Workshop.

The Local OpenFOAMŪ Workshop Committee
Holger Marschall -

Important Dates and Deadlines
  • 1st April, 2012 to 15th May 17th June, 2012
    Registration to Workshop
  • 16th May, 2012 to 15th June, 2012
    Registration to Training Courses

This community event is not approved or endorsed by Silicon Graphics International Corp. or the OpenFOAMŪ Foundation, the producer of the OpenFOAMŪ software and owner of the OpenFOAMŪ trade mark. The OpenFOAMŪ Workshop Organizing Committee is not affiliated with Silicon Graphics International Corp. or the OpenFOAMŪ Foundation. However, the committee members duly acknowledge the trademark.
Holger Marschall
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Old   June 9, 2012, 20:16
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Holger Marschall
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Dear FOAMers,

with this intermediate notification, please allow me to inform you on the basic program of the Community Day at the 7th OpenFOAM Workshop.

At the Community Day we are going to have
  • Special Interest Group Meetings
    These are scheduled meetings of OpenFOAMŪ community groups with an interest in advancing a specific area of knowledge of technology in OpenFOAMŪ.
  • Birds-of-a-Feather (BoF) Meetings:
    BoFs are informal and often formed in an ad-hoc manner, where the attendees group together based on a shared interest and carry out discussions without any pre-planned agenda.
  • Clinics Sessions
    The attendees are asked to bring their day-to-day problems on the laptops. The clinic aims to provide valuable insights on how
    to tackle your problems in OpenFOAMŪ.
  • Show-Room Session and Feature Talks
    In this session the principal sponsors of the 7th OpenFOAMŪ Workshop will present their software products and services for or interfacing to OpenFOAMŪ - with a workshop character meaning as hands-on lectures or along with an open discussion forum at the session's end.
  • Recruitment Session
    The workshop organizers have been asked to organize a recruitment session, in which open positions and jobs for freelancers and consultancies are presented. After these sessions interested parties can join for a chat and follow-up.
If any of the above points is interesting to you (or something is missing), please tell us. Here is the place for your voice:

Help us in organizing the Community Day at the 7th OpenFOAM Workshop!

The Local OpenFOAMŪ Workshop Committee
Holger Marschall -

Important Dates and Deadlines
  • 1st April, 2012 to 17th June, 2012
    Registration to Workshop
  • 16th May, 2012 to 15th June, 2012
    Registration to Training Courses

This community event is not approved or endorsed by Silicon Graphics International Corp. or the OpenFOAMŪ Foundation, the producer of the OpenFOAMŪ software and owner of the OpenFOAMŪ trade mark. The OpenFOAMŪ Workshop Organizing Committee is not affiliated with Silicon Graphics International Corp. or the OpenFOAMŪ Foundation. However, the committee members duly acknowledge the trademark.
Holger Marschall
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Old   June 11, 2012, 16:43
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Holger Marschall
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Update X
Upload for Slides (Technical Sessions) - Info on Banquet Dinner - Community Day - Book of Abstracts

Dear FOAMers,

Upload Form for Slides (Technical Sessions)
In order to assist the organization of the Technical Sessions at the 7th OpenFOAMŪ Workshop, the Local OpenFOAM Workshop Organizing Committee asks all contributors to upload the presentation slides (oral presentations) using the Extend Community Portal: (login before!)
Deadline for contribution uploads is Friday, June 22. We can not consider any uploads beyond this date. If not possible to upload until June 22, please prepare accordingly (that is provide your presentation on your USB stick or use your laptop for the presentation!). In any case, please bring an additional USB-Stick as a back-up.

Info on Banquet Dinner

As already stated in the program schedule, this year's OpenFOAMŪ Workshop Banquet Dinner is taking place at a historical site: an old German Castle called "Schloss Auerbach".
This event in particular is intended to strengthen community networking. Therefore, the Local OpenFOAMŪ Workshop Organizing Committee has planned a entertaining social program. We are going to leave by bus at the time provided in the printed program in your workshop wrapper. Please be sure to be in time in order to join us at Schloss Auerbach. More information will be given at the Workshop.

Some impressions:

Community Day (June 28)
The program items for the Community Day roughly read:
  • Special Interest Group Meetings
    These are scheduled meetings of OpenFOAMŪ community groups with an interest in advancing a specific area of knowledge of technology inOpenFOAMŪ.
  • Birds-of-a-Feather (BoF) Meetings:
    BoFs are informal and often formed in an ad-hoc manner, where the attendees group together based on a shared interest and carry out discussions without any pre-planned agenda.
  • Clinics Sessions
    The attendees are asked to bring their day-to-day problems on the laptops. The clinic aims to provide valuable insights on how
    to tackle your problems in OpenFOAMŪ.
  • Show-Room Session and Feature Talks
    In this session the principal sponsors of the 7th OpenFOAMŪ Workshop will present their software products and services for or interfacing toOpenFOAMŪ - with a workshop character meaning as hands-on lectures or along with an open discussion forum at the session's end.
  • Recruitment Session
    The workshop organizers have been asked to organize a recruitment session, in which open positions and jobs for freelancers and consultancies are presented. After these sessions interested parties can join for a chat and follow-up.
The Preliminary Program for the Community Day (Special Interest Group Meetings, BoF Meeting, Clinics and Presentations of Sponsors) is online. All time slots and sessions are prepared. Please visit for more information:
Use our Community Day Vote System to let us know what YOU are interested in. We need your ideas to make the OpenFOAM Workshop Community a success.
Book of Abstracts
The book of abstract is now also holding the abstracts for the OFW Training Courses on OpenFOAMŪ Technology. Please have a look:
We are looking forward to seeing you at the 7th OpenFOAM Workshop!!

Spread the word! Please forward this message to anyone you think might be interested in attending the OpenFOAM Workshop.

The Local OpenFOAMŪ Workshop Committee
Holger Marschall -

Important Dates and Deadlines
  • 1st April, 2012 to 17th June, 2012
    Registration to Workshop
  • 16th May, 2012 to 15th June, 2012
    Registration to Training Courses

This community event is not approved or endorsed by Silicon Graphics International Corp. or the OpenFOAMŪ Foundation, the producer of the OpenFOAMŪ software and owner of the OpenFOAMŪ trade mark. The OpenFOAMŪ Workshop Organizing Committee is not affiliated with Silicon Graphics International Corp. or the OpenFOAMŪ Foundation. However, the committee members duly acknowledge the trademark.
Holger Marschall

Last edited by holger_marschall; June 11, 2012 at 17:06.
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Old   June 17, 2012, 18:34
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Holger Marschall
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Update XI
Last-Minute Registrations for 7th OpenFOAM Workshop

Dear FOAMers,

7th OpenFOAMŪ Workshop takes place next week (June 25-28, Darmstadt). Up to now, we have 25 places left and available. Hence, we will keep the registration form open for last-minute registration - propably till Tuesday 12:00 a.m. (CET). If you want to attend the workshop on short notice, register as soon as possible. The registration form can close at any time without prior notification.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the 7th OpenFOAMŪ Workshop!!

Spread the word! Please forward this message to anyone you think might be interested in attending the OpenFOAM Workshop.

The Local OpenFOAMŪ Workshop Committee
Holger Marschall -

This community event is not approved or endorsed by Silicon Graphics International Corp. or the OpenFOAMŪ Foundation, the producer of the OpenFOAMŪ software and owner of the OpenFOAMŪ trade mark. The OpenFOAMŪ Workshop Organizing Committee is not affiliated with Silicon Graphics International Corp. or the OpenFOAMŪ Foundation. However, the committee members duly acknowledge the trademark.
Holger Marschall

Last edited by holger_marschall; June 19, 2012 at 11:06.
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Old   June 19, 2012, 11:04
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Update XII
Final Preparations and Travel Instructions

Dear OFW7 attendees,

it is less than one week to the 7th OpenFOAMŪ Workshop being held June 25-28 in Darmstadt, Germany. Registration starts right in the morning of June 25 at 7.45 a.m. (Darmstadium Congress Centre). With this notification we want to provide you with some final information in order to assist you in preparations and planning.

We are looking forward to hosting you at the 7th OpenFOAMŪ Workshop in Darmstadt!

best regards,
Holger Marschall, Kathrin Kissling, Tomislav Maric and Kerstin Schmitt,

on behalf of
International OpenFOAMŪ Workshop Committee
Local OpenFOAMŪ Workshop Organizing Committee

Travel - How do I get from Frankurt Airport to the OFW7 venue?

The best way (I tested it last week) to get from Frankfurt Airport to Darmstadt is by using a bus shuttle service called 'Airliner'. The bus shuttle will take you to Darmstadt's main train station ('Hauptbahnhof') in less than 30 minutes. The ticket is 7,60 EUR -- valid for zone 40 ('Tarif-Gebiet 40'), including Darmstadt City! Here are some more detailed information than on the official websites:
  • from TERMINAL 1:
    Watch out for bus stop 14 -- between exit 5 and 6 across(!) the street. Exits 5 and 6 are directly located near the stairs/elevator to AiRail and long- distance trains (IC and ICE) of Deutsche Bahn (DB). Don't go there unless you want to travel to Frankfurt City, having sight-seeing there and travel from Frankfurt's main station to Darmstadt via train afterwards (which might be an option, if you think about it). Frequent S-Bahn and regional trains to Frankfurt Hbf, taking 11-12 minutes, are leaving from there.
  • from TERMINAL 2:
    Watch out for the bus stop sign 'AIR', which is located in front of exit 8 of the terminal building.
Please find additional information and downloads (pdf files) under

Presentations - How do I get me started for my presentation at OFW7?

You do have two different options. However, keep in mind that we have a very comprehensive program and we will need to stay in time rigidly. Hence, we recommend option #1 (upload of presentation slides).

#1 Upload of Presentation Slides
We recommend to upload the presentation slides along with all movies and animations using our UPLOAD FORM after login:

The uploads will be placed in a folder holding your name (beginning with your surname) - which btw. was a reason to have you all registered at the website.

#2 Presentations from your Laptop
You have the additional option to bring your own laptop for presentation. In this case, please remember that you might need to provide us with an adapter (if necessary; MAC users!) and test the system in the break (or evening) before your session. At the workshop there will be session chairs and technicians around, to directly ask. Please get in contact with them before. The names of chairs are provided within the program in the workshop wrapper. Switches and laser pointers will be available.

Additional Advise
Please complete your presentation with a few minutes to spare for discussion. Please contact your session chair and technician before your session. We need to be very brief with introductions, so please provide to your session chair the following basic information:
  • Final title of your contribution,
  • Full names and affiliations of authors and
  • Name of presenting person.

Preparation - What to bring with me to OFW7 / What is provided at OFW7?

Bring your laptop!
Please don't forget to bring your laptop! Note that you can only follow the training effectively with 'hands-on', which means in front of your laptop. Anyway, it might be simply useful to have your laptop around when discussing and exchanging with others on your field of interest. Keep in mind, that adapters for power plugs might be necessary. Visit for more information.

USB Live Distro (Training Day)
Following the success of previous OpenFOAMŪ Workshop, we have prepared a USB stick for you. The OFW7 distro is based on CAE linux ( -- thanks to Joel Cugnoni) with different versions of OpenFOAMŪ and most training material already provided. To participate and enjoy the training sessions you should follow the advise under 'Information for Participants' -- please visit

In particular, PLEASE MAKE SURE TO DOWNLOAD AND TEST THE ISO WITH YOUR LAPTOP using a USB stick, virtual machine or DVD -- BEFORE THE WORKSHOP(!) in order to make sure that it works. The download is provided under In any case check how to enter BIOS and change boot order for your laptop!

SIG/BoF Meetings & Clinics (Community Day)
All OFW7 attendees are asked to think about and prepare their day-to-day test cases with OpenFOAMŪ, which they feel are interesting and/or subject to problems. At the workshop we will have BoF ad-hoc meetings on specific topics (BoF=Birds-of-a-Feather) and clinics, where these test cases and related issues are going to be addressed.

Moreover, if you have been successfully working on issues related to a topic covered by one of the community's Special Interest Groups (SIGs), we would be glad if you could provide an ad-hoc talk! Please contact the leading persons of the SIG in that case.

Internet Access
WIFI will be available. Information on WIFI access will be provided at the Workshop venue.

Documents - How do I get my Payment Receipt (or Invoice)
We have send out all payment receipts (= invoices with confirmed payment) where we have confirmed payment transactions. If you have not yet received a payment receipt by the OFW7 administration, this DOES NOT necesserily mean that your payment transaction failed. It is the valuta (depending on credit card issuers), the administrative accounting and other factors which might have caused different confirmation times for payment transactions.


Additionally, for those with failed payment transactions (credit card payers), there will be the possibility to pay cash at the workshop registration desk. Please note that the amount must be paid in exact change, for which a receipt will be issued. We accept EUROs only. We will not be able to exchange.

Please also refer to our 'Payment Policies' and the section 'Cancellation' under for further details.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the 7th OpenFOAMŪ Workshop!!

Spread the word! Please forward this message to anyone you think might be interested in attending the OpenFOAMŪ Workshop.

The Local OpenFOAMŪ Workshop Committee
Holger Marschall -

This community event is not approved or endorsed by Silicon Graphics International Corp. or the OpenFOAMŪ Foundation, the producer of the OpenFOAMŪ software and owner of the OpenFOAMŪ trade mark. The OpenFOAMŪ Workshop Organizing Committee is not affiliated with Silicon Graphics International Corp. or the OpenFOAMŪ Foundation. However, the committee members duly acknowledge the trademark.
Holger Marschall

Last edited by holger_marschall; June 20, 2012 at 10:25.
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Old   June 27, 2012, 14:05
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Bernhard Linseisen
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Hello all!
There have been some minor changes to tomorrow's session schedule!

You can find pictures of the updated tables at

Hope, at least some of you still see it! ;-)

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Old   June 29, 2012, 18:00
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When will the presentations be avaiable to the public?

Thank you

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Old   June 30, 2012, 08:31
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Bernhard Gschaider
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Originally Posted by antoniofct View Post
When will the presentations be avaiable to the public?
I think the guys who organized the Workshop are working on it.

Anyway: nothing beats the live-experience
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