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OpenFOAM 1.7.0 Released

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Old   June 26, 2010, 07:52
Default OpenFOAM 1.7.0 Released
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 68
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opencfd is on a distinguished road
OpenCFD are pleased to announce a major, new release of version 1.7.0 of their OpenFOAM open source CFD toolbox. Version 1.7.0 is distributed: (1) as Debian packs created for Ubuntu 10.04 LTS; (2) as source code for compilation on other Linux systems. Version 1.7.0 includes:

Numerous new, updated, and demonstration applications for multiphase, heat transfer and reacting flows the include porous regions; particular areas of application include fire simulation and wind/atmospheric flows, supplied with new example cases, e.g. wind turbine siting; reimplementation of numerous solvers to accommodate new changes to the multiphase, buoyant flow and thermo-physical modelling (see below).

New and improved function objects for on-the-fly calculation of spatial averages, sums, min/max values on fields in sets of cells or faces in the geometry (e.g. for flux calculations across a plane), interpolation of volume fields to surfaces, etc; increased sampling functionality particularly for triangulated surfaces; updated for ParaView 3.8.0.

Boundary conditions Implementation of continuous wall function models for turbulence, conjugate heat transfer conditions for turbulent flows, new time varying boundary conditions, new velocity inlet and wall conditions, e.g. swirl inlet, and inlet and far field conditions for wind/atmospheric flows

Multiphase modelling
Multiphase and buoyant flow solvers now solve for , rather than the static pressure , to avoid deficiencies in the handling of the pressure force / buoyant force balance on non-orthogonal and distorted meshes; corresponding improvements made to boundary conditions and pressure referencing in closed domains.

Thermophysical modelling
Development of thermophysical modelling to redefine the thermodynamics in some solvers in terms of sensible enthalpy instead of total (i.e. including chemical) enthalpy; this was done for improved handling of thermodynamics is the case of partially-premixed or non-premixed combustion systems, or to handle systems with non-unity Lewis number.

Dynamic mesh
Implementation of six degree-of-freedom, fluid coupled rigid body motion, with various models for restraints (springs and dampers) and constraints (reductions in degrees-of-freedom) that can be applied to simulate things like floating objects and an oscillating wing.

Lagrangian modelling
Overhaul of the underlying framework with new structure for variable composition, including several new sub-models added for injection, post-processing and patch interaction, evaporation and coal combustion.

Direct simulation Monte-Carlo
Further developments made to allow 1D and 2D planar simulations; mixed diffuse/specular boundary condition added; new measurements of pressure and wall velocity slip and temperature jump.

MULES algorithm developed to supports sub-cycling on moving meshes for interface capturing VoF (volume of fluid) calculations; further developments to allows a source to be applied to an equation according to an input dictionary at run-time, that can be switched on at particular times and within particular regions of the mesh, using cell zones.

To download OpenFOAM 1.7.0, click here
For a full list of new features, see the Release Notes
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Old   May 26, 2011, 04:09
Default non-unit lewis number
Yashar Afarin
Join Date: May 2010
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how openFoam handle non-uniform lewis number? indeed, I am using reactingFoam and I want to assess the quality of my result with unit lewis number with non-unit ones. any help would be appreciated.

best regards
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