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[blockMesh] multiregion mesh with blockMesh

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Old   May 20, 2013, 11:40
Default blockMeshDict
Join Date: Mar 2013
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sandy13 is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by Yosmcer View Post
Hello Sandy,

So downer face is the outlet patch.

Maybe giving your blockMeshDict file may help to advice you.

It seems that other people already tried to have internal walls, hope this post can help:
Internal walls of zero thickness

Good luck with your design.
Dear MartinB,
Thank you very much for your response, Yes the downer face is the outlet patch. I attached my block mesh dict. and about createBaffles and mergeOrSplitBaffles, I do not know how to deal with these utility. If you can direct me please I would be very grateful..

version 2.0;
format ascii;
class dictionary;
object blockMeshDict;

// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //

convertToMeters 0.001;


(-1.6 -1.6 464)//0
(1.6 -1.6 464)//1
(1.6 1.6 464)//2
(-1.6 1.6 464)//3

(-1.6 -1.6 500)//4
(1.6 -1.6 500)//5
(1.6 1.6 500)//6
(-1.6 1.6 500)//7

(-10.5 -10.5 464)//8
(10.5 -10.5 464)//9
(10.5 10.5 464)//10
(-10.5 10.5 464)//11

(-10.5 -10.5 500)//12
(10.5 -10.5 500)//13
(10.5 10.5 500)//14
(-10.5 10.5 500)//15

(-20 -20 464)//16
(20 -20 464)//17
(20 20 464)//18
(-20 20 464)//18

(-20 -20 500)//20
(20 -20 500)//21
(20 20 500)//22
(-20 20 500)//23

(-64 -64 464)//24
(64 -64 464)//25
(64 64 464)//26
(-64 64 464)//27

(-64 -64 500)//28
(64 -64 500)//29
(64 64 500)//30
(-64 64 500)//31

(-64 -64 0)//32
(64 -64 0)//33
(64 64 0)//34
(-64 64 0)//35

(-20 -20 464)//36 // for injector walls
(20 -20 464)//37 // for injector walls
(20 20 464)//38 // for injector walls
(-20 20 464)//39 // for injector walls

(-20 -20 500)//40 // for injector walls
(20 -20 500)//41 // for injector walls
(20 20 500)//42 // for injector walls
(-20 20 500)//43 // for injector walls


hex (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) (10 10 10) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //0 //fuel inlet
hex (10 11 3 2 14 15 7 6) (10 10 10) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //1 //fuel inlet thickness
hex (11 8 0 3 15 12 4 7) (10 10 10) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //2 //fuel inlet thickness
hex (8 9 1 0 12 13 5 4) (10 10 10) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //3 //fuel inlet thickness
hex (9 10 2 1 13 14 6 5) (10 10 10) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //4 //fuel inlet thickness

hex (18 19 11 10 22 23 15 14) (10 10 10) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //5 //air inlet patch from hex 5
hex (19 16 8 11 23 20 12 15) (10 10 10) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //6 //air inlet patch from hex 6
hex (16 17 9 8 20 21 13 12) (10 10 10) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //7 //air inlet patch from hex 7
hex (17 18 10 9 21 22 14 13) (10 10 10) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //8 //air inlet patch from hex 8

hex (26 27 19 18 30 31 23 22) (10 10 10) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //9 // upper surface wall
hex (27 24 16 19 31 28 20 23) (10 10 10) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //10 // upper surface wall
hex (24 25 17 16 28 29 21 20) (10 10 10) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //11 // upper surface wall
hex (25 26 18 17 29 30 22 21) (10 10 10) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //12 // upper surface wall

hex (32 33 34 35 24 25 26 27) (10 10 10) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //13 // atomization domain

hex (36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43) (2 2 2) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //5 //for injector walls


arc 6 7 (0 2.1 500)
arc 7 4 (-2.1 0 500)
arc 4 5 (0 -2.1 500)
arc 5 6 (2.1 0 500)

arc 2 3 (0 2.1 464)
arc 3 0 (-2.1 0 464)
arc 0 1 (0 -2.1 464)
arc 1 2 (2.1 0 464)

arc 14 15 (0 15 500)
arc 15 12 (-15 0 500)
arc 12 13 (0 -15 500)
arc 13 14 (15 0 500)

arc 10 11 (0 15 464)
arc 11 8 (-15 0 464)
arc 8 9 (0 -15 464)
arc 9 10 (15 0 464)

arc 22 23 (0 27 500)
arc 23 20 (-27 0 500)
arc 20 21 (0 -27 500)
arc 21 22 (27 0 500)

arc 18 19 (0 27 464)
arc 19 16 (-27 0 464)
arc 16 17 (0 -27 464)
arc 17 18 (27 0 464)

arc 26 27 (0 90 464)
arc 27 24 (-90 0 464)
arc 24 25 (0 -90 464)
arc 25 26 (90 0 464)

arc 30 31 (0 90 500)
arc 31 28 (-90 0 500)
arc 28 29 (0 -90 500)
arc 29 30 (90 0 500)

arc 34 35 (0 90 0)
arc 35 32 (-90 0 0)
arc 32 33 (0 -90 0)
arc 33 34 (90 0 0)

arc 38 39 (0 27 464)
arc 39 36 (-27 0 464)
arc 36 37 (0 -27 464)
arc 37 38 (27 0 464)

arc 42 43 (0 27 500)
arc 43 40 (-27 0 500)
arc 40 41 (0 -27 500)
arc 41 42 (27 0 500)



type patche;
(4 5 6 7)


type patches;
(22 23 15 14)
(23 20 12 15)
(20 21 13 12)
(21 22 14 13)

type patche;
(32 35 34 33)

type walls;
(36 40 43 39)
(39 43 42 38)
(37 38 42 41)
(36 37 41 40)

type walls;

(32 24 27 35) //left wall
(24 28 31 27)
(32 33 25 24) // front
(24 25 29 28)
(33 34 26 25) //right
(25 26 30 29)
(35 27 26 34)// (19 18 22 23)

(27 31 30 26)

(30 31 23 22) // upper patche
(31 28 20 23) // upper patche
(28 29 21 20) // upper patche
(29 30 22 21) // upper patche

(14 15 7 6) // patche wall between the fuel and the air
(15 12 4 7) // patche wall between the fuel and the air
(12 13 5 4) // patche wall between the fuel and the air
(13 14 6 5) // patche wall between the fuel and the air



// ************************************************** *********************** //
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Old   May 20, 2013, 12:13
Yosmcer Mocktai
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Yosmcer will become famous soon enough
I'm not MartinB

Google "createBaffles" => CreateBaffles on the OpenFOAM Wiki

And an example can be found in $FOAM_TUTORIALS/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleFoam/circuitBoardCooling

In this tutorial, first, blockmesh is used with a simple definition, than topoSet to set the baffles conditions, and finally createBaffles.

The different commands are in the Allrun file.
topoSet use the dictionary /system/topoSetDict

I hope this example can help you to understand how you can apply this to your case.
You can find other example using "grep -r createBaffles $FOAM_TUTORIALS" in a terminal (grep is a linux command).

I never used createBaffles, so I cannot really help you more than this.

Have a good afternoon.
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Old   May 20, 2013, 13:01
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Originally Posted by Yosmcer View Post
I'm not MartinB

Google "createBaffles" => CreateBaffles on the OpenFOAM Wiki

And an example can be found in $FOAM_TUTORIALS/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleFoam/circuitBoardCooling

In this tutorial, first, blockmesh is used with a simple definition, than topoSet to set the baffles conditions, and finally createBaffles.

The different commands are in the Allrun file.
topoSet use the dictionary /system/topoSetDict

I hope this example can help you to understand how you can apply this to your case.
You can find other example using "grep -r createBaffles $FOAM_TUTORIALS" in a terminal (grep is a linux command).

I never used createBaffles, so I cannot really help you more than this.

Have a good afternoon.
Dear Yosmcer,
Thanks for your help and I am sorry about missing your name, I am relay in bad day.
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Old   July 19, 2013, 06:25
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Originally Posted by Budlo View Post
Martin :
May be you can post a sketch of your geometry so that I can give advice on the appropriate blockMesh definition...

Hi Martin
thanks a lot for your complete explain.
I want simulate a flow over a solid that solid has conduction in "MultiRegionHeater". the boundary between them is conjugate .

I do this procceger :
1- Make mesh in Gambit and set two region,solid and fluid, with "Internal" boundary condition at conjugate boundary same the example of solver.
2- code : runApplication fluentMeshToFoam Mymesh.msh -writeSets
3- code : runApplication setsToZones -noFlipMap
4- code : runApplication splitMeshRegion -cellZones -overwrite
5- Remove extra boundary condition in each region at 0 file (Its code is in Allrun).
5- Creat all files, boundary condition and changeDictionaryDict.
6- Make log.changeDEctionaryDic (Its code is in Allrun)
7- code : chtMultiRegionFoam
It is work for free convection but for force convection divergence.

Best Regards
dear namdar do you put all conjugate faces into one boundary and set the type to internal?

have you connected faces?

can you get region1_to_region2 type boundary conditions for each region in constant/regionName/boundary file?

Thank you
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Old   July 21, 2013, 15:14
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Originally Posted by Mojtaba.a View Post
dear namdar do you put all conjugate faces into one boundary and set the type to internal?

have you connected faces?

can you get region1_to_region2 type boundary conditions for each region in constant/regionName/boundary file?

Thank you
I got answers myself, please refer to this post:

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