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[Commercial meshers] How to convert a .msh file to open Foam?

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Old   August 26, 2013, 04:54
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Maxime Perelli
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the second one.
As I wrote, OF cannot compute "2d". So you need to give a thickness to your 2d model.
Just extrude your surfaces, and mesh volumes.
Then follow the tutorial for knowing what kind of BC you need to set front and back surfaces (which are your 2d surface)
In memory of my friend Hervé: CFD engineer & freerider
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Old   August 26, 2013, 05:42
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helo max ,

few days back i converted my 2D fluent mesh into OF by using command fluentMeshToFoam and it is converted succesfully . and in checkMesh it is ok . it had given the patch type empty for the 3rd direction automatically .
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Old   August 26, 2013, 05:49
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Maxime Perelli
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Originally Posted by yash.aesi View Post
helo max ,

few days back i converted my 2D fluent mesh into OF by using command fluentMeshToFoam and it is converted succesfully . and in checkMesh it is ok . it had given the patch type empty for the 3rd direction automatically .
Ok, I didn't know
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In memory of my friend Hervé: CFD engineer & freerider
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Old   August 26, 2013, 11:04
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Nima Samkhaniani
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you can use fluentMeshToFoam to convert your 2D mesh from gambit into 3D mesh into OpenFOAM
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Old   August 26, 2013, 21:54
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Originally Posted by yash.aesi View Post
helo ,
your case is 2D or 3D ?? if it is 2D then why you are giving command fluent3DMeshToFoam when you have created 2D mesh in gambit ...? try with fluentMeshToFoam

hope it will work
my case is 2D. of course I use fluentMeshToFoam, but it does not work. When I using other case from other people, it works.
Have a nice day
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Old   August 27, 2013, 01:38
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Maxime Perelli
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Originally Posted by hcx552362 View Post
hi Max:
I have the same question. When I run fluentMeshToFoam /...../..msh. it will appear
cannot find file
file:/home/hu/system/controldict at line 0
from.....and so on
can you post your controlDict file and also all the error message you get?
In memory of my friend Hervé: CFD engineer & freerider
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Old   August 27, 2013, 03:39
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Originally Posted by -mAx- View Post
can you post your controlDict file and also all the error message you get?
Hi Max, Thanks for your reply.
Now I will give my error:
(1) When I using other msh file and run it with fluentMeshToFoam, The terminal :
Writing mesh ... to "constang/polyMesh" done.

(so I think it is ok with my openFoam software"
(2) With my mesh file (my case is 2D). run it with fluentMeshToFoam the same way. then the terminal will appear:
wrong token type - expected word, found on line 0 the label 4
file: IstringStream.sourceFile at line 0.
From function operator>>(Istream&, word&)
in file primitives/strings/word/wordIo.c at line 74.
FOAM exiting
(3) With my .neu file (my case is 2D). run it with gambitToFoam, then the terminal will appear:
Finished lexing
#0 Foam::error:rintStack(Foam::0stream&) in
#1 Foam::sigSegv::sigHandler(int) in "/home/hu/OpenFoam/OpenFoam-2.1.x/platforms/linux64GccDPOpt/lib/"
#2 in"/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"
#3 in "/home/hu/OpenFoam/OpenFoam-2.1.x/platforms/linux64GccDPOpt/bin/gambitToFoam"
#4 __libc_start_main in "/lib/x86_64-linux-gun/"
#5 in "/home/hu/OpenFoam/OpenFoam-2.1.x/platforms/linux64GccDPOpt/bin/gambitToFoam"
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

what is wrong with my mesh? Thanks
Have a nice day!
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Old   August 27, 2013, 05:32
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Maxime Perelli
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post pictures of your mesh
In memory of my friend Hervé: CFD engineer & freerider
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Old   August 27, 2013, 10:35
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Hi max, thanks here is my mesh! hu3D.msh
(0 "GAMBIT to Fluent File")

(0 "Dimension:")
(2 3)

(10 (0 1 1452 1 3))
(10 (1 1 1452 1 3)(
   0.0000000000e+000    0.0000000000e+000    0.0000000000e+000
   1.0000000000e+000    0.0000000000e+000    0.0000000000e+000
   2.8000000000e-001    9.8000000000e-001    1.0000000000e+000
   2.6000000000e-001    9.8000000000e-001    1.0000000000e+000
   2.4000000000e-001    9.8000000000e-001    1.0000000000e+000
   2.2000000000e-001    9.8000000000e-001    1.0000000000e+000
   2.0000000000e-001    9.8000000000e-001    1.0000000000e+000
   1.8000000000e-001    9.8000000000e-001    1.0000000000e+000
   1.6000000000e-001    9.8000000000e-001    1.0000000000e+000
   1.4000000000e-001    9.8000000000e-001    1.0000000000e+000
   1.2000000000e-001    9.8000000000e-001    1.0000000000e+000
   1.0000000000e-001    9.8000000000e-001    1.0000000000e+000
   8.0000000000e-002    9.8000000000e-001    1.0000000000e+000
   6.0000000000e-002    9.8000000000e-001    1.0000000000e+000
   4.0000000000e-002    9.8000000000e-001    1.0000000000e+000
   2.0000000000e-002    9.8000000000e-001    1.0000000000e+000

(0 "Faces:")
(13(0 1 2774 0))
(13(3 1 1388  3 0)(
4 67  c9  c8  66 9c4 0
4 c9  fa  c7  c8 992 0
4 fa  12b  c6  c7 960 0
4 12b  15c  c5  c6 92e 0
4 15c  18d  c4  c5 8fc 0
4 18d  1be  c3  c4 8ca 0
 4  13bd  13bc  189  18a 900 8ce 
 4  138a  1b9  188  13bb 8d0 8cf 
 4  13bc  13bb  188  189 901 8cf 
 4  1389  1b8  187  13ba 8d1 8d0 
 4  13bb  13ba  187  188 902 8d0 
 4  1388  1b7  186  13b9 8d2 8d1 
 4  13ba  13b9  186  187 903 8d1 
 4  1387  1b6  185  13b8 8d3 8d2 
 4  13b9  13b8  185  186 904 8d2 
 4  1386  1b5  184  13b7 8d4 8d3 
 4  13b8  13b7  184  185 905 8d3 
 4  1385  1b4  183  13b6 8d5 8d4 
 4  13b7  13b6  183  184 906 8d4 
 4  1384  1b3  182  13b5 8d6 8d5 
 4  13b6  13b5  182  183 907 8d5 
 4  1383  1b2  181  13b4 8d7 8d6 
 4  13b5  13b4  181  182 908 8d6 
 4  1382  1b1  180  13b3 8d8 8d7 
 4  13b4  13b3  180  181 909 8d7 
 4  1381  1b0  17f  13b2 8d9 8d8 
 4  13b3  13b2  17f  180 90a 8d8 
 4  1380  1af  17e  13b1 8da 8d9 
 4  13b2  13b1  17e  17f 90b 8d9 
 4  137f  1ae  17d  13b0 8db 8da 
 4  13b1  13b0  17d  17e 90c 8da 
 4  137e  1ad  17c  13af 8dc 8db 
 4  13b0  13af  17c  17d 90d 8db 
 4  137d  1ac  17b  13ae 8dd 8dc 
 4  13af  13ae  17b  17c 90e 8dc 
 4  137c  1ab  17a  13ad 8de 8dd 
 4  13ae  13ad  17a  17b 90f 8dd 
 4  137b  1aa  179  13ac 8df 8de 
 4  13ad  13ac  179  17a 910 8de 
 4  137a  1a9  178  13ab 8e0 8df 
 4  13ac  13ab  178  179 911 8df 
 4  1379  1a8  177  13aa 8e1 8e0 
 4  13ab  13aa  177  178 912 8e0 
 4  1378  1a7  176  13a9 8e2 8e1 
 4  13aa  13a9  176  177 913 8e1 
 4  1377  1a6  175  13a8 8e3 8e2 
 4  13a9  13a8  175  176 914 8e2 
 4  1376  1a5  174  13a7 8e4 8e3 
 4  13a8  13a7  174  175 915 8e3 
 4  1375  1a4  173  13a6 8e5 8e4 
 4  13a7  13a6  173  174 916 8e4 
 4  1374  1a3  172  13a5 8e6 8e5 
 4  13a6  13a5  172  173 917 8e5 
 4  1373  1a2  171  13a4 8e7 8e6 
 4  13a5  13a4  171  172 918 8e6 
 4  1372  1a1  170  13a3 8e8 8e7 
 4  13a4  13a3  170  171 919 8e7 
 4  1371  1a0  16f  13a2 8e9 8e8 
 4  13a3  13a2  16f  170 91a 8e8 
 4  1370  19f  16e  13a1 8ea 8e9 
 4  13a2  13a1  16e  16f 91b 8e9 
 4  136f  19e  16d  13a0 8eb 8ea 
 4  13a1  13a0  16d  16e 91c 8ea 
 4  136e  19d  16c  139f 8ec 8eb 
 4  13a0  139f  16c  16d 91d 8eb 
 4  136d  19c  16b  139e 8ed 8ec 
 4  139f  139e  16b  16c 91e 8ec 
 4  136c  19b  16a  139d 8ee 8ed 
 4  139e  139d  16a  16b 91f 8ed 
 4  136b  19a  169  139c 8ef 8ee 
 4  139d  139c  169  16a 920 8ee 
 4  136a  199  168  139b 8f0 8ef 
 4  139c  139b  168  169 921 8ef 
 4  1369  198  167  139a 8f1 8f0 
 4  139b  139a  167  168 922 8f0 
 4  1368  197  166  1399 8f2 8f1 
 4  139a  1399  166  167 923 8f1 
 4  1367  196  165  1398 8f3 8f2 
 4  1399  1398  165  166 924 8f2 
 4  1366  195  164  1397 8f4 8f3 
 4  1398  1397  164  165 925 8f3 
 4  1365  194  163  1396 8f5 8f4 
 4  1397  1396  163  164 926 8f4 
 4  1364  193  162  1395 8f6 8f5 
 4  1396  1395  162  163 927 8f5 
 4  1363  192  161  1394 8f7 8f6 
 4  1395  1394  161  162 928 8f6 
 4  1362  191  160  1393 8f8 8f7 
 4  1394  1393  160  161 929 8f7 
 4  1361  190  15f  1392 8f9 8f8 
 4  1393  1392  15f  160 92a 8f8 
 4  1360  18f  15e  1391 8fa 8f9 
 4  1392  1391  15e  15f 92b 8f9 
 4  135f  18e  15d  1390 8fb 8fa 
 4  1391  1390  15d  15e 92c 8fa 
 4  135e  18d  15c  138f 8fc 8fb 
 4  1390  138f  15c  15d 92d 8fb 
 4  138f  a93  c5  15c 92e 8fc 
 4  13bf  18c  15b  13f0 8fe 8fd 
 4  a5a  13f0  15b  37 92f 8fd 
 4  13be  18b  15a  13ef 8ff 8fe 
 4  13f0  13ef  15a  15b 930 8fe 
 4  13bd  18a  159  13ee 900 8ff 
 4  13ef  13ee  159  15a 931 8ff 
 4  13bc  189  158  13ed 901 900 
 4  13ee  13ed  158  159 932 900 
 4  13bb  188  157  13ec 902 901 
 4  13ed  13ec  157  158 933 901 
 4  13ba  187  156  13eb 903 902 
 4  13ec  13eb  156  157 934 902 
 4  13b9  186  155  13ea 904 903 
 4  13eb  13ea  155  156 935 903 
 4  13b8  185  154  13e9 905 904 
 4  13ea  13e9  154  155 936 904 
 4  13b7  184  153  13e8 906 905 
 4  13e9  13e8  153  154 937 905 
 4  13b6  183  152  13e7 907 906 
 4  13e8  13e7  152  153 938 906 
 4  13b5  182  151  13e6 908 907 
 4  13e7  13e6  151  152 939 907 
 4  13b4  181  150  13e5 909 908 
 4  13e6  13e5  150  151 93a 908 
 4  13b3  180  14f  13e4 90a 909 
 4  13e5  13e4  14f  150 93b 909 
 4  13b2  17f  14e  13e3 90b 90a 
 4  13e4  13e3  14e  14f 93c 90a 
 4  13b1  17e  14d  13e2 90c 90b 
 4  13e3  13e2  14d  14e 93d 90b 
 4  13b0  17d  14c  13e1 90d 90c 
 4  13e2  13e1  14c  14d 93e 90c 
 4  13af  17c  14b  13e0 90e 90d 
 4  13e1  13e0  14b  14c 93f 90d 
 4  13ae  17b  14a  13df 90f 90e 
 4  13e0  13df  14a  14b 940 90e 
 4  13ad  17a  149  13de 910 90f 
 4  13df  13de  149  14a 941 90f 
 4  13ac  179  148  13dd 911 910 
 4  13de  13dd  148  149 942 910 
 4  13ab  178  147  13dc 912 911 
 4  13dd  13dc  147  148 943 911 
 4  13aa  177  146  13db 913 912 
 4  13dc  13db  146  147 944 912 
 4  13a9  176  145  13da 914 913 
 4  13db  13da  145  146 945 913 
 4  13a8  175  144  13d9 915 914 
 4  13da  13d9  144  145 946 914 
 4  13a7  174  143  13d8 916 915 
 4  13d9  13d8  143  144 947 915 
 4  13a6  173  142  13d7 917 916 
 4  13d8  13d7  142  143 948 916 
 4  13a5  172  141  13d6 918 917 
 4  13d7  13d6  141  142 949 917 
 4  13a4  171  140  13d5 919 918 
 4  13d6  13d5  140  141 94a 918 
 4  13a3  170  13f  13d4 91a 919 
 4  13d5  13d4  13f  140 94b 919 
 4  13a2  16f  13e  13d3 91b 91a 
 4  13d4  13d3  13e  13f 94c 91a 
 4  13a1  16e  13d  13d2 91c 91b 
 4  13d3  13d2  13d  13e 94d 91b 
 4  13a0  16d  13c  13d1 91d 91c 
 4  13d2  13d1  13c  13d 94e 91c 
 4  139f  16c  13b  13d0 91e 91d 
 4  13d1  13d0  13b  13c 94f 91d 
 4  139e  16b  13a  13cf 91f 91e 
 4  13d0  13cf  13a  13b 950 91e 
 4  139d  16a  139  13ce 920 91f 
 4  13cf  13ce  139  13a 951 91f 
 4  139c  169  138  13cd 921 920 
 4  13ce  13cd  138  139 952 920 
 4  139b  168  137  13cc 922 921 
 4  13cd  13cc  137  138 953 921 
 4  139a  167  136  13cb 923 922 
 4  13cc  13cb  136  137 954 922 
 4  1399  166  135  13ca 924 923 
 4  13cb  13ca  135  136 955 923 
 4  1398  165  134  13c9 925 924 
 4  13ca  13c9  134  135 956 924 
 4  1397  164  133  13c8 926 925 
 4  13c9  13c8  133  134 957 925 
 4  1396  163  132  13c7 927 926 
 4  13c8  13c7  132  133 958 926 
 4  1395  162  131  13c6 928 927 
 4  13c7  13c6  131  132 959 927 
 4  1394  161  130  13c5 929 928 
 4  13c6  13c5  130  131 95a 928 
 4  1393  160  12f  13c4 92a 929 
 4  13c5  13c4  12f  130 95b 929 
 4  1392  15f  12e  13c3 92b 92a 
 4  13c4  13c3  12e  12f 95c 92a 
 4  1391  15e  12d  13c2 92c 92b 
 4  13c3  13c2  12d  12e 95d 92b 
 4  1390  15d  12c  13c1 92d 92c 
 4  13c2  13c1  12c  12d 95e 92c 
 4  138f  15c  12b  13c0 92e 92d 
 4  13c1  13c0  12b  12c 95f 92d 
 4  13c0  a92  c6  12b 960 92e 
 4  13f0  15b  12a  1421 930 92f 
 4  a5b  1421  12a  36 961 92f 
 4  13ef  15a  129  1420 931 930 
 4  1421  1420  129  12a 962 930 
 4  13ee  159  128  141f 932 931 
 4  1420  141f  128  129 963 931 
 4  13ed  158  127  141e 933 932 
 4  141f  141e  127  128 964 932 
 4  13ec  157  126  141d 934 933 
 4  141e  141d  126  127 965 933 
 4  13eb  156  125  141c 935 934 
 4  141d  141c  125  126 966 934 
 4  13ea  155  124  141b 936 935 
 4  141c  141b  124  125 967 935 
 4  13e9  154  123  141a 937 936 
 4  141b  141a  123  124 968 936 
 4  13e8  153  122  1419 938 937 
 4  141a  1419  122  123 969 937 
 4  13e7  152  121  1418 939 938 
 4  1419  1418  121  122 96a 938 
 4  13e6  151  120  1417 93a 939 
 4  1418  1417  120  121 96b 939 
 4  13e5  150  11f  1416 93b 93a 
 4  1417  1416  11f  120 96c 93a 
 4  13e4  14f  11e  1415 93c 93b 
 4  1416  1415  11e  11f 96d 93b 
 4  13e3  14e  11d  1414 93d 93c 
 4  1415  1414  11d  11e 96e 93c 
 4  13e2  14d  11c  1413 93e 93d 
 4  1414  1413  11c  11d 96f 93d 
 4  13e1  14c  11b  1412 93f 93e 
 4  1413  1412  11b  11c 970 93e 
 4  13e0  14b  11a  1411 940 93f 
 4  1412  1411  11a  11b 971 93f 
 4  13df  14a  119  1410 941 940 
 4  1411  1410  119  11a 972 940 
 4  13de  149  118  140f 942 941 
 4  1410  140f  118  119 973 941 
 4  13dd  148  117  140e 943 942 
 4  140f  140e  117  118 974 942 
 4  13dc  147  116  140d 944 943 
 4  140e  140d  116  117 975 943 
 4  13db  146  115  140c 945 944 
 4  140d  140c  115  116 976 944 
 4  13da  145  114  140b 946 945 
 4  140c  140b  114  115 977 945 
 4  13d9  144  113  140a 947 946 
 4  140b  140a  113  114 978 946 
 4  13d8  143  112  1409 948 947 
 4  140a  1409  112  113 979 947 
 4  13d7  142  111  1408 949 948 
 4  1409  1408  111  112 97a 948 
 4  13d6  141  110  1407 94a 949 
 4  1408  1407  110  111 97b 949 
 4  13d5  140  10f  1406 94b 94a 
 4  1407  1406  10f  110 97c 94a 
 4  13d4  13f  10e  1405 94c 94b 
 4  1406  1405  10e  10f 97d 94b 
 4  13d3  13e  10d  1404 94d 94c 
 4  1405  1404  10d  10e 97e 94c 
 4  13d2  13d  10c  1403 94e 94d 
 4  1404  1403  10c  10d 97f 94d 
 4  13d1  13c  10b  1402 94f 94e 
 4  1403  1402  10b  10c 980 94e 
 4  13d0  13b  10a  1401 950 94f 
 4  1402  1401  10a  10b 981 94f 
 4  13cf  13a  109  1400 951 950 
 4  1401  1400  109  10a 982 950 
 4  13ce  139  108  13ff 952 951 
 4  1400  13ff  108  109 983 951 
 4  13cd  138  107  13fe 953 952 
 4  13ff  13fe  107  108 984 952 
 4  13cc  137  106  13fd 954 953 
 4  13fe  13fd  106  107 985 953 
 4  13cb  136  105  13fc 955 954 
 4  13fd  13fc  105  106 986 954 
 4  13ca  135  104  13fb 956 955 
 4  13fc  13fb  104  105 987 955 
 4  13c9  134  103  13fa 957 956 
 4  13fb  13fa  103  104 988 956 
 4  13c8  133  102  13f9 958 957 
 4  13fa  13f9  102  103 989 957 
 4  13c7  132  101  13f8 959 958 
 4  13f9  13f8  101  102 98a 958 
 4  13c6  131  100  13f7 95a 959 
 4  13f8  13f7  100  101 98b 959 
 4  13c5  130  ff  13f6 95b 95a 
 4  13f7  13f6  ff  100 98c 95a 
 4  13c4  12f  fe  13f5 95c 95b 
 4  13f6  13f5  fe  ff 98d 95b 
 4  13c3  12e  fd  13f4 95d 95c 
 4  13f5  13f4  fd  fe 98e 95c 
 4  13c2  12d  fc  13f3 95e 95d 
 4  13f4  13f3  fc  fd 98f 95d 
 4  13c1  12c  fb  13f2 95f 95e 
 4  13f3  13f2  fb  fc 990 95e 
 4  13c0  12b  fa  13f1 960 95f 
 4  13f2  13f1  fa  fb 991 95f 
 4  13f1  a91  c7  fa 992 960 
 4  1421  12a  f9  1452 962 961 
 4  a5c  1452  f9  35 993 961 
 4  1420  129  f8  1451 963 962 
 4  1452  1451  f8  f9 994 962 
 4  141f  128  f7  1450 964 963 
 4  1451  1450  f7  f8 995 963 
 4  141e  127  f6  144f 965 964 
 4  1450  144f  f6  f7 996 964 
 4  141d  126  f5  144e 966 965 
 4  144f  144e  f5  f6 997 965 
 4  141c  125  f4  144d 967 966 
 4  144e  144d  f4  f5 998 966 
 4  141b  124  f3  144c 968 967 
 4  144d  144c  f3  f4 999 967 
 4  141a  123  f2  144b 969 968 
 4  144c  144b  f2  f3 99a 968 
 4  1419  122  f1  144a 96a 969 
 4  144b  144a  f1  f2 99b 969 
 4  1418  121  f0  1449 96b 96a 
 4  144a  1449  f0  f1 99c 96a 
 4  1417  120  ef  1448 96c 96b 
 4  1449  1448  ef  f0 99d 96b 
 4  1416  11f  ee  1447 96d 96c 
 4  1448  1447  ee  ef 99e 96c 
 4  1415  11e  ed  1446 96e 96d 
 4  1447  1446  ed  ee 99f 96d 
 4  1414  11d  ec  1445 96f 96e 
 4  1446  1445  ec  ed 9a0 96e 
 4  1413  11c  eb  1444 970 96f 
 4  1445  1444  eb  ec 9a1 96f 
 4  1412  11b  ea  1443 971 970 
 4  1444  1443  ea  eb 9a2 970 
 4  1411  11a  e9  1442 972 971 
 4  1443  1442  e9  ea 9a3 971 
 4  1410  119  e8  1441 973 972 
 4  1442  1441  e8  e9 9a4 972 
 4  140f  118  e7  1440 974 973 
 4  1441  1440  e7  e8 9a5 973 
 4  140e  117  e6  143f 975 974 
 4  1440  143f  e6  e7 9a6 974 
 4  140d  116  e5  143e 976 975 
 4  143f  143e  e5  e6 9a7 975 
 4  140c  115  e4  143d 977 976 
 4  143e  143d  e4  e5 9a8 976 
 4  140b  114  e3  143c 978 977 
 4  143d  143c  e3  e4 9a9 977 
 4  140a  113  e2  143b 979 978 
 4  143c  143b  e2  e3 9aa 978 
 4  1409  112  e1  143a 97a 979 
 4  143b  143a  e1  e2 9ab 979 
 4  1408  111  e0  1439 97b 97a 
 4  143a  1439  e0  e1 9ac 97a 
 4  1407  110  df  1438 97c 97b 
 4  1439  1438  df  e0 9ad 97b 
 4  1406  10f  de  1437 97d 97c 
 4  1438  1437  de  df 9ae 97c 
 4  1405  10e  dd  1436 97e 97d 
 4  1437  1436  dd  de 9af 97d 
 4  1404  10d  dc  1435 97f 97e 
 4  1436  1435  dc  dd 9b0 97e 
 4  1403  10c  db  1434 980 97f 
 4  1435  1434  db  dc 9b1 97f 
 4  1402  10b  da  1433 981 980 
 4  1434  1433  da  db 9b2 980 
 4  1401  10a  d9  1432 982 981 
 4  1433  1432  d9  da 9b3 981 
 4  1400  109  d8  1431 983 982 
 4  1432  1431  d8  d9 9b4 982 
 4  13ff  108  d7  1430 984 983 
 4  1431  1430  d7  d8 9b5 983 
 4  13fe  107  d6  142f 985 984 
 4  1430  142f  d6  d7 9b6 984 
 4  13fd  106  d5  142e 986 985 
 4  142f  142e  d5  d6 9b7 985 
 4  13fc  105  d4  142d 987 986 
 4  142e  142d  d4  d5 9b8 986 
 4  13fb  104  d3  142c 988 987 
 4  142d  142c  d3  d4 9b9 987 
 4  13fa  103  d2  142b 989 988 
 4  142c  142b  d2  d3 9ba 988 
 4  13f9  102  d1  142a 98a 989 
 4  142b  142a  d1  d2 9bb 989 
 4  13f8  101  d0  1429 98b 98a 
 4  142a  1429  d0  d1 9bc 98a 
 4  13f7  100  cf  1428 98c 98b 
 4  1429  1428  cf  d0 9bd 98b 
 4  13f6  ff  ce  1427 98d 98c 
 4  1428  1427  ce  cf 9be 98c 
 4  13f5  fe  cd  1426 98e 98d 
 4  1427  1426  cd  ce 9bf 98d 
 4  13f4  fd  cc  1425 98f 98e 
 4  1426  1425  cc  cd 9c0 98e 
 4  13f3  fc  cb  1424 990 98f 
 4  1425  1424  cb  cc 9c1 98f 
 4  13f2  fb  ca  1423 991 990 
 4  1424  1423  ca  cb 9c2 990 
 4  13f1  fa  c9  1422 992 991 
 4  1423  1422  c9  ca 9c3 991 
 4  1422  a90  c8  c9 9c4 992 
 4  1452  f9  97  ac1 994 993 
 4  1451  f8  96  ac2 995 994 
 4  1450  f7  95  ac3 996 995 
 4  144f  f6  94  ac4 997 996 
 4  144e  f5  93  ac5 998 997 
 4  144d  f4  92  ac6 999 998 
 4  144c  f3  91  ac7 99a 999 
 4  144b  f2  90  ac8 99b 99a 
 4  144a  f1  8f  ac9 99c 99b 
 4  1449  f0  8e  aca 99d 99c 
 4  1448  ef  8d  acb 99e 99d 
 4  1447  ee  8c  acc 99f 99e 
 4  1446  ed  8b  acd 9a0 99f 
 4  1445  ec  8a  ace 9a1 9a0 
 4  1444  eb  89  acf 9a2 9a1 
 4  1443  ea  88  ad0 9a3 9a2 
 4  1442  e9  87  ad1 9a4 9a3 
 4  1441  e8  86  ad2 9a5 9a4 
 4  1440  e7  85  ad3 9a6 9a5 
 4  143f  e6  84  ad4 9a7 9a6 
 4  143e  e5  83  ad5 9a8 9a7 
 4  143d  e4  82  ad6 9a9 9a8 
 4  143c  e3  81  ad7 9aa 9a9 
 4  143b  e2  80  ad8 9ab 9aa 
 4  143a  e1  7f  ad9 9ac 9ab 
 4  1439  e0  7e  ada 9ad 9ac 
 4  1438  df  7d  adb 9ae 9ad 
 4  1437  de  7c  adc 9af 9ae 
 4  1436  dd  7b  add 9b0 9af 
 4  1435  dc  7a  ade 9b1 9b0 
 4  1434  db  79  adf 9b2 9b1 
 4  1433  da  78  ae0 9b3 9b2 
 4  1432  d9  77  ae1 9b4 9b3 
 4  1431  d8  76  ae2 9b5 9b4 
 4  1430  d7  75  ae3 9b6 9b5 
 4  142f  d6  74  ae4 9b7 9b6 
 4  142e  d5  73  ae5 9b8 9b7 
 4  142d  d4  72  ae6 9b9 9b8 
 4  142c  d3  71  ae7 9ba 9b9 
 4  142b  d2  70  ae8 9bb 9ba 
 4  142a  d1  6f  ae9 9bc 9bb 
 4  1429  d0  6e  aea 9bd 9bc 
 4  1428  cf  6d  aeb 9be 9bd 
 4  1427  ce  6c  aec 9bf 9be 
 4  1426  cd  6b  aed 9c0 9bf 
 4  1425  cc  6a  aee 9c1 9c0 
 4  1424  cb  69  aef 9c2 9c1 
 4  1423  ca  68  af0 9c3 9c2 
 4  1422  c9  67  af1 9c4 9c3 
(0 "Cells:")
(12 (0 1 9c4 0))
(12 (2 1 9c4 1 4))

(0 "Zones:")
(45 (2 fluid subdomain)())
(45 (3 wall 4)())
(45 (4 wall 3)())
(45 (5 wall 2)())
(45 (6 wall 1)())
(45 (8 interior default-interior)())
I hope you can help me! Have a nice day!

Last edited by wyldckat; August 27, 2013 at 18:02. Reason: Changed [QUOTE] to [CODE][/CODE]
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Old   August 28, 2013, 01:37
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Maxime Perelli
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-mAx- will become famous soon enough
I meant pictures to see how you mesh looks like, etc...
I would also try to extrude it for having 3d domain, and then import it in OF for excluding an issue because of 2d
In memory of my friend Hervé: CFD engineer & freerider
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Old   August 28, 2013, 03:55
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Join Date: Aug 2013
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hcx552362 is on a distinguished road
Hi Max. I will give you my mesh file(hu3D.msh). maybe you can use your OpenFoam software to transfer it, and you will kown the question!
Thank you!
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