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[mesh manipulation] face points functions

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Old   March 23, 2009, 11:39
Default face points functions
Virginie Ehrlacher
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 52
Rep Power: 17
virginie_e is on a distinguished road

I have some stupid questions about functions on mesh which may or may not be alreday implemented in OpenFOAM. Is there a way to know what functions (for manipulation or information of mesh) have been implemented? Is there a kind of list somehow?

For example, I would like a function, which, given a certain point, would give the list of the faces to which the point belongs. Or another example, I would like a function, which, given a face and a point which belongs to this face, would give the two points which also belong to the face and which are connected to the point by edges.

If you know if this functions have already been implemented in OpenFOAM, could you please tell me in which class? Otherwise, how would you advise me to code them?

Thank you a lot

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