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[blockMesh] Is it possible to have a mesh to represent a domain with a hole

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Old   May 3, 2006, 06:09
Default Is it possible to have a mesh to represent a domain with a hole
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(I had originaly posted this message in Meshing / Mesh conversion: gmsh sub group in error, sorry)

I am trying to construct a mesh to represent a rectangular region with a single circular hole. I started with the mesh used in tutorials/potentalFoam/cylinder (which matches half of my required mesh) and tried to extend this. When I do not split the blocks, i.e., using

hex (# # # # # # # #) (1 1 1) simpleGrading(1 1 1)

for each block, everything seems OK. Program checkBlock does not generate any warnings and the resulting mesh looks like .

The output from checkMesh is in checkMesh_2.log and the blockMeshDict file is blockMeshDict_1 .

Adding grading to most of the blocks works as I would have expected, to produce the following mesh .

The output from checkMesh is in checkMesh_2.log and
the blockMeshDict file is blockMeshDict_2 and everything appears OK.

However, when I try to add grading to any of the other blocks I do not obtain the expected (to me) mesh. In the following diagram and files I have only
added grading to two of the problem blocks to keep the mesh as simple as possible and the problem seem to be independent of the grading used in the other blocks.


The output from checkMesh is checkMesh_3.log and the blockMeshDict file is blockMeshDict_3 .

In the log of checkMesh there were reports of

High aspect ratio for cell 10: 4.44057e+199
High aspect ratio for cell 11: 4.44058e+199


Severe non-orthogonality detected for face ...

which doesn't appear to be too healthy.

I have tried to switch the order of the vertices without success. Any advice would be great,

Thanks, Kieran
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Old   May 3, 2006, 06:24
Default Looks like you've messed up th
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Hrvoje Jasak
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Looks like you've messed up the mesh definition - this kind of mesh should be pretty easy to do. As an encouragement, have one of mine :-) This is a mesh for vertex shedding behind a cylinder.

From the pictures it seems to me that the grading is giving you trouble: remember, the grading coefficients are defined in the coordinate system of the block and not the global one.

Good luck,


Hrvoje Jasak
Providing commercial FOAM/OpenFOAM and CFD Consulting:
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Old   May 3, 2006, 18:10
Default Hi Hrvoje, Thanks for your bl
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Hi Hrvoje,
Thanks for your blockMeshDict. I should able to use it to reconstruct mine (without the error this time). Regards, Kieran.
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Old   October 13, 2014, 18:23
Join Date: Aug 2012
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cesarjets is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by hjasak View Post
Looks like you've messed up the mesh definition - this kind of mesh should be pretty easy to do. As an encouragement, have one of mine :-) This is a mesh for vertex shedding behind a cylinder.

From the pictures it seems to me that the grading is giving you trouble: remember, the grading coefficients are defined in the coordinate system of the block and not the global one.

Good luck,



could you share the whole file of this case? I mean I would like to check how you set up the U/P files?
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