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[blockMesh] this is a simple one but I have no idea what I did wrong

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Old   September 25, 2007, 01:29
Default this is a simple one but I have no idea what I did wrong
Mojtaba Shahmohammadian
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 73
Rep Power: 17
msha is on a distinguished road
my blockmeshdict file is:

| ========= | |
| \ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox |
| \ / O peration | Version: 1.3 |
| \ / A nd | Web: |
| \/ M anipulation | |

version 2.0;
format ascii;

root "";
case "";
instance "";
local "";

class dictionary;
object blockMeshDict;

// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //

convertToMeters 0.1;

(0 1 0)
(5 1 0)
(5 0 0)
(35 0 0)
(35 3 0)
(0 3 0)
(0.1 1 0)
(5.1 0 0)
(34.9 0 0)
(34.9 3 0)
(0.1 3 0)
(0.1 1.1 0)
(5 1.1 0)
(5.1 1.1 0)
(5.1 0.1 0)
(13 0.1 0)
(34.9 0.1 0)
(34.9 1.1 0)
(34.9 2.9 0)
(5.1 2.9 0)
(0.1 2.9 0)
(13 1.1 0)

(0 1 1)
(5 1 1)
(5 0 1)
(35 0 1)
(35 3 1)
(0 3 1)
(0.1 1 1)
(5.1 0 1)
(34.9 0 1)
(34.9 3 1)
(0.1 3 1)
(0.1 1.1 1)
(5 1.1 1)
(5.1 1.1 1)
(5.1 0.1 1)
(13 0.1 1)
(34.9 0.1 1)
(34.9 1.1 1)
(34.9 2.9 1)
(5.1 2.9 1)
(0.1 2.9 1)
(13 1.1 1)


hex (0 6 10 5 22 28 32 27) (10 200 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
hex (6 1 12 11 28 23 34 33) (490 10 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
hex (2 7 13 12 24 29 35 34) (10 110 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
hex (7 8 16 14 29 30 38 36) (280 10 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
hex (8 3 4 9 30 25 26 31) (10 300 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
hex (20 18 9 10 42 40 31 32) (330 10 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
hex (11 13 19 20 33 35 41 42) (50 18 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
hex (14 15 21 13 36 37 43 35) (790 100 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
hex (15 16 17 21 37 38 39 43) (219 10 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
hex (13 17 18 19 35 39 40 41) (28 10 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)



(0 22 27 5)
(3 4 26 25)


wall fixedWalls

(4 9 31 26)
(9 10 32 31)
(10 5 27 32)
(0 6 28 22)
(6 1 23 28)
(1 2 24 23)
(2 7 29 24)
(7 8 30 29)
(8 3 25 30)


// ************************************************** *********************** //

and when I run blockMesh this error appears:

Reading block mesh description dictionary

Creating block mesh

Creating blockCorners

Creating curved edges

Creating blocks

Creating patches

Creating block mesh topology

Default patch type set to empty

--> FOAM FATAL ERROR : face 5 in patch 2 does not have neighbour cell face: 4(1 2 24 23)

From function polyMesh::facePatchFaceCells(const faceList& patchFaces,const labelListList& pointCells,const faceListList& cellsFaceShapes,const label patchID)
in file meshes/polyMesh/polyMeshFromShapeMesh.C at line 127.

FOAM aborting

Foam::polyMesh::facePatchFaceCells(Foam::List<foam ::face> const&, Foam::List<foam::list<int> > const&, Foam::List<foam::list<foam::face> > const&, int) const
Foam::polyMesh::polyMesh(Foam::IOobject const&, Foam::Field<foam::vector<double> > const&, Foam::List<foam::cellshape> const&, Foam::List<foam::list<foam::face> > const&, Foam::List<foam::word> const&, Foam::List<foam::word> const&, Foam::word const&, Foam::List<foam::word> const&)
blockMesh [0x806116f]
blockMesh [0x8059228]
blockMesh [0x806f2c1]
msha is offline   Reply With Quote

Old   September 25, 2007, 06:57
Default Hello Please try to comment
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Jose Luis Santos
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Please try to comment the 'patches' section of your blockMeshDict file.

Then run blockMesh.

If it turns out ok, then add the first patch, 'inlet' in your case.

Repeat the same procedure step by step until you find where the problem is. By looking at the error message, I would think that the problem resides in the patch 'fixedWalls'.

Good luck!

José Santos
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Old   September 28, 2007, 04:22
Default Hi Thank you for reply I'l
Mojtaba Shahmohammadian
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 73
Rep Power: 17
msha is on a distinguished road
Thank you for reply

I'll do so.

Best regards
msha is offline   Reply With Quote


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