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[mesh manipulation] Evaluating Cell Quality

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Old   May 15, 2005, 00:31
Default Evaluating Cell Quality
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Vassili Kitsios
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I am undertaking a PhD at Monash University in Australia developing a novel shape optimisation method. I am looking to develop a stricter halt criteria involving various measures of model quality, including cell field gradients and cell quality.

I have modified the analyticalCylinder tutorial example to calculate the following:
  • analytical solution for complete 360 deg;
  • difference between the analtical and numerical solution;
  • cell field gradients;
  • cell quality; and
  • finally write all of the information to file.

I am having trouble, however, in getting the cellQuality class to compile. I keep getting the following error: "undefined reference to 'Foam::cellQuality::cellQuality(Foam::polyMesh const&)'

I have attached the code and has been extensively commented. I was wondering if someone could please identify my error.

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Old   May 15, 2005, 03:22
Default You probably need to link the
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Hrvoje Jasak
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You probably need to link the dynamic mesh library - that's where the cellQuality class has been defined.

Edit the Make/options and under EXE_LIBS add -ldynamicMesh

There may be some other libraries missing when you do that (maybe meshTools or cfdTools); the procedure is the same.


Hrvoje Jasak
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Old   May 15, 2005, 07:25
Default Thank you Hrvoje, You were
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Vassili Kitsios
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Thank you Hrvoje,

You were right, I hadn't included the libraries properly. Now that this component is working, I can send the data to Info, but I am not sure how to write the data to file.

In "createGradFields.H" I initialised the volScalarField and volVectorField types using IOobject and was able to write the data to file. I attempted to do the same thing in "createCellQualityFields.H", but the compiler returned the following error message:

no matching function for call to 'Foam::tmp<foam::field<foam::scalar> >::tmp(Foam::IOobject)'

Some possible alternative functions are then proposed from "tmpI.H".

I have reattached the files with some minor modifications from the previous message. I would greatly appreciate it if you could help me again with this query.

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Old   May 15, 2005, 07:27
Default Thank you Hrvoje, You were
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Vassili Kitsios
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Thank you Hrvoje,

You were right, I hadn't included the libraries properly. Now that this component is working, I can send the data to Info, but I am not sure how to write the data to file.

In "createGradFields.H" I initialised the volScalarField and volVectorField types using IOobject and was able to write the data to file. I attempted to do the same thing in "createCellQualityFields.H", but the compiler returned the following error message:

no matching function for call to 'Foam::tmp<foam::field<foam::scalar> >::tmp(Foam::IOobject)'

Some possible alternative functions are then proposed from "tmpI.H".

I have reattached the files with some minor modifications from the previous message. I would greatly appreciate it if you could help me again with this query.

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Old   May 15, 2005, 07:57
Default Two errors: 1) You are tryi
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Hrvoje Jasak
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Two errors:

1) You are trying to create tmp<scalarfield> in createCellQualityFields.H, which does not make sense: tmp is a wrapper that allows you to "copy" field (and other) objects without actually copying the data. What you want to create are scalar fields that can write themselves out, right. If so, you need to use scalarIOField. Funnily enough, the rest of the statement is OK! :-)

scalarIOField cellSkewness

2) main code, line 99. You said cellQuality.write(), but cellQuality is a class. This is probably a typo, I bet you wanted:


I loke the code organisation and use of field algebra - well done. You should also try to indent the code according to the rules and it will be very nice indeed!


Hrvoje Jasak
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Old   May 16, 2005, 01:23
Default Cheers Hrvoje, That worked
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Cheers Hrvoje,

That worked and I could write the information to file. I have a couple more questions though if it is ok.

I am using paraView to view the data and hense, I am running the foamToVTK utility. This utility, however, does not convert the cellSkewness and cellQuality files.

I modified the output files to be identical to the formats generated from the volScalarField type. This worked and foamToVTK then converted these files as well.

I then tried replacing the scalarIOField type name for volScalarField but received the following error and provides some possible function candidates.

no match for 'operator=' in 'cellskewness = Foam::cellQuality::skewness() const()'

I was wondering if there is a way to initialise the cellSkewness and cellNonOrthogonality variables as volScalarFields to ensure the data is written in a format that the foamToVTK utility can convert. Unless there is a meas to convert the scalarIOField output to VTK format somehow.

Also I have a separate question, still related to mesh quality. Is there a utility to calculate the geometric volume of a cell, as I want to be able to capture cell volume gradients?

Cheers Vassili
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Old   May 16, 2005, 06:24
Default I would suggest making volScal
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Hrvoje Jasak
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I would suggest making volScalarFields to start with. You can do the op = as follows:

cellSkewness.internalField() = qualityCheck.skewness();

Ditto for cell volumes.

A word of warning: if you want grad of cell volumes, you need to say something about boundary conditions, i.e. whether you want the volume on the boundary to be zero or zero gradient. By default, the constructor for volScalarField (and other geometric fields) will take a "calculated" b.c., so if you do (sorry, different names):

volScalarField vols
dimensionedScalar("zero", dimVolume, 0.0)

you get zeros on the boundary, which affects the gradient (and probably in the right way! but you'll know whether that's what you want). :-)

Here's an example with zeroGradient boundaries:

volScalarField A
dimensionedScalar("A", dimless/dimTime, 1),

You will need an include file for zeroGradient:

#include "zeroGradientFvPatchFields.H"

Aha, volumes:

vols.internalField() = mesh.V();

(and then if you want):


Isn't FOAM nice!


Hrvoje Jasak
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Old   May 16, 2005, 22:50
Default Thanks Hrvoje, I have made
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Vassili Kitsios
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Thanks Hrvoje,

I have made those modifications and uploaded the final files for anyone else that might want to utilise the code.

One note, however, in my mesh the nonOrthogonality function returned "nan" instead of a numerical result for a handful of cells in my mesh. Not sure why as these cells were not excessively nonOrthogonal or orthogonal for that matter.


Cheers Vas
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Old   May 17, 2005, 06:07
Default Hi Vassili, The nan is usua
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Mattijs Janssens
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Hi Vassili,

The nan is usually caused by a division by zero somewhere. If you rerun with environment variables


all set (to a non-empty value) the code should fall over immediately and you can use a debugger to look at where it goes wrong.
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Old   May 18, 2005, 06:45
Default Thanks Hrvoje, I'll give th
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Vassili Kitsios
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Thanks Hrvoje,

I'll give that a go.

I have also been reading through the discussion board and there are various mentions of your thesis and the error estimation tools. I have been playing around with these FOAM functions and I would appreciate some further reading on the rational behind these functions.

I was wondering if you have a soft copy of your thesis that you could forward me. It would be much appreciated. My email address is

Cheers Vas
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Old   May 18, 2005, 06:58
Default Sorry Hrvoje, I found the l
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Vassili Kitsios
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Sorry Hrvoje,

I found the location your paper on the web from another area in the discussion group. I will go through it and possibly get back to you later.

Cheers Vas
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Old   May 18, 2005, 10:30
Default Hello Vassili, No problem -
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Hrvoje Jasak
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Hello Vassili,

No problem - actually, a list of all my papers, including my PhD work on error estimation and adaptive meshing + FV discretisation etc. are available on my private web page:

All the research + code development has been done in FOAM over the last 12 years. If you want any of the papers that you cannot find on the web, please let me know.

I usually put my presentation slides there as well - you may find some interesting info on FOAM structure etc. This may not be the best place for it, but what started as a private home page now looks like FOAM-related data repository. :-) I will probably have to move it to a more sensible web address but that will be announced here.

As for talking about the work - I'd be delighted. Please feel free to contact me by E-mail.

Have fun,

Hrvoje Jasak
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Old   January 9, 2008, 06:15
Default Hi, I tried to use the code a
David Segersson
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I tried to use the code attached above and found that it is out of date (think it's from OF 1.2).

Is there a recommended way to locate cells with low quality in OF? checkMesh writes a faceSet with nonOrthoFaces and I was thinking about writing a scalar field marking the cells containing these faces. It seems like this must have been done by a lot of users before. Is there anybody who can give me the steps to take or maybe send a code snippet?

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Old   January 9, 2008, 06:41
Default Much easier that that: use set
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Hrvoje Jasak
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Much easier that that: use setSet. A Help will give you an idea on how to use it - here's a little snippet I use often when dealing with poor meshes:

cellSet cellSet0 new faceToCell wrongOrientedFaces any

Got the gist?

Hrvoje Jasak
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Old   January 9, 2008, 07:13
Default Thanks Hrvoje, I'm trying to
David Segersson
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Thanks Hrvoje,
I'm trying to compile setSet by running the Allwmake script and have trouble with:
.../libreadline.a: No such file or directory

Any hint on this as well?

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Old   January 9, 2008, 07:33
Default Some care required - follow th
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Some care required - follow the Allwmake script by hand (with understanding - the "parrot mode" will not work). You need to compile readline, adjust paths and variables to get it right and read messages about missed paths and libraries.

I have tried to get this sorted out but it seems the libraries never end up in consistent places between various linux flavours. Works on my machine though...

Hrvoje Jasak
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Old   June 23, 2008, 11:54
Default The problem lies in the fact t
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Eugene de Villiers
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The problem lies in the fact that skewness is a face based property. The cellQuality.skewness() call returns a field of size nCells where the "cell" value is the max of all faces bordering a particular cell. If you want to change this behavior, call the faceSkewness function and create the cell-skewness field the way you want to.

I guess the cell-based return type is nice for post-processing, but it is also misleading if you are not aware of the implementation.
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Old   July 29, 2008, 10:38
Default Hi, Does anyone know the d
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Frank Bos
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Does anyone know the difference between cellQuality.skewnewss() and mesh.checkFaceSkewness().

I mean, I get different maximal values while monitoring.....

Frank Bos
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Old   August 1, 2008, 14:49
Default Anyone? What's the differen
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What's the difference between cellQuality.skewnewss() and mesh.checkFaceSkewness().

Thanks, Frank
Frank Bos
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Old   August 1, 2008, 17:17
Default The one from checkFaceSkewness
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Mattijs Janssens
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The one from checkFaceSkewness tries to include a measure of the 'height' of the face in the direction of the face centre. Gives more reasonably values for high aspect ratio faces.
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