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[mesh manipulation] refineMesh won't cut cells, and how does the coordinate system work?

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Old   July 11, 2024, 16:59
Default refineMesh won't cut cells, and how does the coordinate system work?
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Jacob Child
Join Date: May 2024
Posts: 3
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Hello All!
I used topoSet to select one layer of cells that I want to refine in the y direction (ie on the image shown I want to half the thickness into and out of the page). As I currently have it set up it says there are lots of bad cuts, but keeps running, and then finally throws an error that stops it entirely when "cut xx on face xxx of coupled patch AA is not consistent with coupled cut xxx".
I feel like I have tried many options (useHexTopology yes and no, geometricCut yes and no) as well as several different directions (only tan1, or x works with the current coordinate system).

How are the reference directions actually used, and is that causing my error, or something else?
I know some potential issues could be: it is only 1 cell thick, I have some wedges (but useHexTopology is no), the cells are different thicknesses and thus will possibly form non-hexes on many cells and increase non-orthoganlity.

Attached below is my refineMeshDict and image.

/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
| =========                 |                                                 |
| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  v2312                                 |
|   \\  /    A nd           | Website:                      |
|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
    version     2.0;
    format      ascii;
    class       dictionary;
    object      refineMeshDict;
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //

// Cells to refine; name of 'cellSet'
set             FrontWallLayer9Cells; 

// Type of coordinate system:
// - global : coordinate system same for every cell. Usually aligned with
//   x,y,z axis. Specify in globalCoeffs section below.
// - patchLocal : coordinate system different for every cell. Specify in
//   patchLocalCoeffs section below.
coordinateSystem global;

// Specifies 2 directions by a name and a vector. The normal direction is
// calculated as tan1^tan2
    tan1            ( 1 0 0 );
    tan2            ( 0 1 0 );

    // Normal direction is face normal of zero'th face of patch
    // patch           inlet;
    // tan1            ( 1 0 0 );
    // tan2            ( 0 1 0 );

// Specifies the direction to be refined by the name used above
// To refine in the third direction, use the keyword 'normal'
    // tan1 //x
    tan2 //y
    // normal //z

// Whether to use hex topology. This will
// - if patchLocal: all cells on selected patch should be hex
// - split all hexes in 2x2x2 through the middle of edges.
useHexTopology  no; 

// Cut purely geometric (will cut hexes through vertices) or take
// topology into account. Incompatible with 'useHexTopology'
geometricCut    no;

// Write meshes from intermediate steps
writeMesh       no;

// ************************************************************************* //
Attached Images
File Type: jpg Screenshot from 2024-07-11 14-45-46.jpg (107.3 KB, 9 views)
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cfmesh, coordinate system, refinemesh, snappyhexmesh

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