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[Salome] Sectioning mesh into groups without using geomtery.

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Old   June 29, 2024, 15:41
Default Sectioning mesh into groups without using geomtery.
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Ederson Jaime
Join Date: Jun 2024
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Hello everyone,

I am working on creating an OpenFOAM model to study natural convection loops. I am using Salome to create my mesh. The method I found to work best for the application I need is to create a 2D mesh with the internal field of choice (o-type mesh with more refinement towards boundary conditions) and extrude this mesh along a path.

The issue I face concerns sectioning my loop into the desired groups. I need my mesh to have different boundary groups for a heater section and another for a cooler, with the remainder of the loop being walls. I cannot seem to find any way to fix this since there is no geometry to be used as a basis for the different sections. I would appreciate any guidance or different methods you all may recommend to create this mesh. I have attached some pictures of what I want the mesh to look like, including the internal mesh and the outer profile (red is where the heater should be, and blue is the cooler).

I did attempt to create my mesh from a .step file using primarily the NETGEN method, which worked for sectioning mesh in the boundary groups that I wanted, though I was unable to get the o-type mesh with good refinement.

Thank you,
Attached Images
File Type: jpg fullGeometry.jpg (28.3 KB, 5 views)
File Type: jpg otypeMesh.jpg (66.4 KB, 5 views)
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Old   July 1, 2024, 04:41
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Join Date: Dec 2021
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Alczem is on a distinguished road

You can partition your step in Salome Geometry to create faces where you need them. Partitioning might force you to create several submeshes to sweep your geometry and get the desired mesh tough, but it is probably the best way to get clean groups and a clean mesh.

The other way would be to create patches once you have imported your mesh in your OpenFOAM case. You can use topoSet and createPatches to select the needed boundary faces and generate the patches. The patches could be slightly "rough" around the edges though.

Good luck!
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boundaries definition, meshing, openfoam, salome

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