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[snappyHexMesh] Another addLayersControls problem

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Old   March 30, 2024, 13:59
Default Another addLayersControls problem
New Member
Vadim Mikhailov
Join Date: Nov 2023
Posts: 8
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sabbraxcaddabra is on a distinguished road
Hello everyone! I`m very new in OpenFOAM and in using snappyHexMesh utility and not clearly understand the problem i face with

I try to simulate the flow around a bullet or a projectile and the mesh at all is fine(i have a 99.2% of layers coverage), but in corners at nose and boattail there are less layers (on pictures)
Now i have read a lot of threads on this forum and try increase resolveFeatureAngle to solve this problem. But the quality of my mesh doesnt improved.

Here is all my project

And all my snappeHexMeshDict
/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
  =========                 |				
  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
   \\    /   O peration     | Website:
    \\  /    A nd           | Version:  9                                   	
     \\/     M anipulation  |
    format      ascii;
    class       dictionary;
    object      snappyHexMeshDict;
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //

// Which of the steps to run
castellatedMesh true;
snap            true;
addLayers       true;

        type triSurfaceMesh;
        name projectile_stlSurface;

//To get regions in the STL

            projectile  // Named region in the STL file
                name projectile;    // User-defined patch name


        type searchableBox;
        min (-0.5 -0.15 -0.15);
        max (0.75 0.15 0.15);


// Settings for the castellatedMesh generation.

    // Refinement parameters
    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    maxLocalCells 500000;

    maxGlobalCells 10000000;

    minRefinementCells 0;

    maxLoadUnbalance 0.10;

    nCellsBetweenLevels 3;

    // Explicit feature edge refinement
    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


            file "shell1.eMesh";
            level 6;
          //level 4;


    // Surface based refinement
    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


	    // global
            // Surface-wise min and max refinement level
            level (7 7);


    // Feature angle:
    // resolveFeatureAngle 30;		//recommended
    resolveFeatureAngle 60;		//To avoid too much refinement with curvature

    planarAngle 30;

    // Region-wise refinement
    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

            mode inside;        	// inside - outside
            levels ((4 4));     	// min max

            //mode distance;        	// 
            //levels ((0.1 1));     	//first number distance normal to the surface in both direction

    // Mesh selection
    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    locationInMesh (2.0 0.5 0.5);

    allowFreeStandingZoneFaces true;


// Settings for the snapping.
    // nSmoothPatch 2;	//recommended
    nSmoothPatch 10;	//improved

    tolerance 2.0;
    //tolerance 1.0;

    nSolveIter 5;	//recommended
    //nSolveIter 100;	//improved

    nRelaxIter 5;	//recommended
    //nRelaxIter 10;	//improved	10-20-50

    // Feature snapping

    nFeatureSnapIter 3	//recommended
    //nFeatureSnapIter 100;	//improved 	20-50-100

    implicitFeatureSnap false;

    explicitFeatureSnap true;

    multiRegionFeatureSnap false;


// Settings for the layer addition.
    relativeSizes true;

    expansionRatio 1.2;

    firstLayerThickness 0.01;

    minThickness 0.01;

            nSurfaceLayers 20;

    nGrow 0;

    // Advanced settings
        featureAngle 359;
        maxFaceThicknessRatio 0.5;
        nSmoothSurfaceNormals 2;
        nSmoothThickness 10;
        minMedialAxisAngle 90;
        minMedianAxisAngle 90;
        maxThicknessToMedialRatio 0.3;
        nSmoothNormals 3;
        slipFeatureAngle 80;
        nRelaxIter 5;
        nBufferCellsNoExtrude 0;
        nLayerIter 10;
        nRelaxedIter 10;

// Generic mesh quality settings. At any undoable phase these determine where to undo.
    #include "meshQualityDict"

        // Maximum non-orthogonality allowed. Set to 180 to disable.
        maxNonOrtho 75;

    //minFlatness 0.5;

    // Advanced

        // Number of error distribution iterations
        nSmoothScale 4;
        // amount to scale back displacement at error points
        errorReduction 0.75;

// Advanced

//// Debug flags

    //mesh            // write intermediate meshes
    //intersections   // write current mesh intersections as .obj files
    //featureSeeds    // write information about explicit feature edge refinement
    //attraction      // write attraction as .obj files
    // layerInfo       // write information about layers

//// Write flags

    scalarLevels    // write volScalarField with cellLevel for postprocessing
    layerSets       // write cellSets, faceSets of faces in layer
    layerFields     // write volScalarField for layer coverage

mergeTolerance 1e-6;

// ************************************************************************* //
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