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[mesh manipulation] Generating a volume mesh for a polyhedral surface mesh extracted from OpenFOAM.

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Old   August 29, 2023, 19:05
Default Generating a volume mesh for a polyhedral surface mesh extracted from OpenFOAM.
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Mishal R-Taimuri
Join Date: Jul 2023
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I am trying to re-mesh a deformed fluid mesh from OpenFOAM.
I tried several methods, but I have had no luck.
I extracted the mesh using the command 'foamToSurface' to get .obj and .stl files for the polyhedral surface mesh.
It is my understanding that the fields mapping does not work unless the surface mesh is the same because I tried a different surface mesh and the cellDisplacement values increased monumentally (to e^126 order).
Is there a way to easily generate mesh for an already existing surface mesh?
I tried ANSYS fluent.
I converted the OpenFOAM mesh to fluent using the command "foamMeshToFluent" in OpenFOAM. This gave me a .msh file compatible for ANSYS fluent. I only want to re-mesh the inside and must have the same surface mesh. Is there a way to do this in fluent?
I tried reading the mesh (file -> read -> mesh) which retains the surface polyhedral mesh but does not give me an option to generate/fix the volume mesh.
Alternatively, I tried importing the file in using the watertight geometry workflow. This gives me a modified triangular surface mesh from the original polyhedral.

Pointwise only gives tetrahedral mesh and the surface does not retain its mesh.

I do not mind trying any other way and would appreciate any guidance on this.
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ansys fluent 13, fsi

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