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[surface handling] Separate feature file per STL from surfaceFeatureExtract

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Old   August 2, 2023, 12:30
Default Separate feature file per STL from surfaceFeatureExtract
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2017
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obscureed is on a distinguished road
I'm using surfaceFeatureExtract to extract feature edges from a collection of different STL files. Is there a slick way to specify multiple .stl file names, and get a separate .eMesh.gz file for each? The motivation is that different levels of refinement are used at different edges, so the STL names are a good way to keep track of them.

It is possible that I am abusing surfaceFeatureExtract, which gives a message about "only valid on closed manifold surfaces". I'm presuming it's OK to ignore that message? -- the workflow has been fine in Foundation-style OpenFOAM 10 (using surfaceFeatures).

In OF10, I can specify a list of surfaces. The controls seem to be just lying around in the file -- I presume they take effect (or maybe I have been using the defaults all these years).
FoamFile { version 8.0; format ascii; class dictionary; object surfaceFeaturesDict; }

surfaces (

includedAngle 150;
trimFeatures { minElem 1; }
writeObj yes;
In ESI-style OpenFOAM 2306, I can specify many files -- I can even match all the files with a wordRe, as below. Unlike in OF10, though, this generates only a single file, multiple123.eMesh.gz file. Is there a way to get a separate output file for each matching STL?

FoamFile { version 8.0; format ascii; class dictionary; object surfaceFeatureExtractDict; }

  surfaces (".*stl");
  extractionMethod extractFromSurface;
  includedAngle 150;
  writeObj yes;
  trimFeatures{ minElem 1; minLen 0.01; }
  subsetFeatures{ openEdges yes; }
  loadingOption file;
While I'm here, can I also ask: what are the meanings of "offsetting" and "subsetting" in -- where are they discussed in documentation?
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