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[mesh manipulation] Using mapFields to Interpolate Between Two Identical Meshes With Different Boundaries

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Old   May 4, 2023, 11:43
Default Using mapFields to Interpolate Between Two Identical Meshes With Different Boundaries
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Dear All,

I was previously working with a blockMesh file which grouped the north and south walls of a 2D planar mesh together as they all had the no-slip boundary condition. I need to split these boundaries up now so that the north walls have their own label and the south wall their own label.

After splitting up the boundaries in the blockMeshDict file, I'd like to run some cases which have already converged on my new mesh. There is nothing different about the new mesh except that the north and south boundaries are labelled differently, which does not affect the flow in any way. So, I have been using the mapFields function to carry a solution from the old mesh to the new mesh (it doesn't interpolate anything in this case as the two meshes are identical, only the boundary arrangement is different now). However, when I run the solver I notice that the residuals start quite high and drop, despite the fact that the solution was fully converged on the old domain.

So, how can I use the mapFieldDict to ensure that the solution is carried over perfectly without changing the solution when I map it from the old mesh to the new mesh?

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Old   October 17, 2023, 23:55
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Originally Posted by joshc View Post
Dear All,

I was previously working with a blockMesh file which grouped the north and south walls of a 2D planar mesh together as they all had the no-slip boundary condition. I need to split these boundaries up now so that the north walls have their own label and the south wall their own label.

After splitting up the boundaries in the blockMeshDict file, I'd like to run some cases which have already converged on my new mesh. There is nothing different about the new mesh except that the north and south boundaries are labelled differently, which does not affect the flow in any way. So, I have been using the mapFields function to carry a solution from the old mesh to the new mesh (it doesn't interpolate anything in this case as the two meshes are identical, only the boundary arrangement is different now). However, when I run the solver I notice that the residuals start quite high and drop, despite the fact that the solution was fully converged on the old domain.

So, how can I use the mapFieldDict to ensure that the solution is carried over perfectly without changing the solution when I map it from the old mesh to the new mesh?

Hi friends, have you resolved this? I met the same problem during the channel flow problem.
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