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[snappyHexMesh] stringing of feature edges

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Old   July 22, 2022, 09:30
Default stringing of feature edges
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2022
Location: Germany
Posts: 122
Rep Power: 6
Hr_kules is on a distinguished road
Hey everyone.

Whilst cheking my log of a previous run with snappyhexmesh i noticed following snippet:
Detecting near surfaces ...
Overriding nearest with intersection of close gaps at 0 out of 1434686 points.
Overriding displacement on features :
   implicit features    : false
   explicit features    : true
   multi-patch features : true

Detected 0 baffle edges out of 2859927 edges.
Initially selected 24533 points out of 1434686 for reverse attraction.
Selected 77918 points out of 1434686 for reverse attraction.
Removing constraints near multi-patch points : changed 1339 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 28 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 15 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 22 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 22 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 27 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 25 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 24 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 18 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 20 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 18 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 18 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 22 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 21 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 18 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 21 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 18 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 20 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 19 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 20 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 18 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 21 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 18 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 20 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 19 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 20 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 17 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 18 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 17 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 17 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 18 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 17 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 16 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 15 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 17 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 17 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 19 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 20 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 18 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 18 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 13 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 15 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 13 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 15 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 13 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 15 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 8 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 9 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 7 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 7 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 7 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 10 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 8 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 9 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 8 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 10 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 7 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 10 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 8 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 5 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 4 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 6 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 3 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 6 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 4 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 5 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 4 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 6 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 3 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 6 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 4 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 5 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 4 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 6 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 3 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 6 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 4 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 5 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 5 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 6 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 5 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 5 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 5 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 5 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 3 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 8 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 3 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 7 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 4 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 6 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 3 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 6 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 4 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 5 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 4 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 6 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 3 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 5 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 3 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 2 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 3 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 3 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 2 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 3 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 3 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 2 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 3 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 3 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 2 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 3 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 3 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 2 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 3 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 3 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 2 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 3 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 3 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 2 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 3 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 4 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 2 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 4 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 2 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 2 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 4 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 2 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 2 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 4 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 2 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 2 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 4 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 2 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 2 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 4 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 2 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 2 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 4 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 2 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 2 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 4 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 1 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 1 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 2 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 1 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 1 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 2 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 1 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 1 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 2 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 1 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 1 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 2 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 1 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 1 points
Stringing feature edges : changed 0 points
     linear   : max:(-0.000724862 0 0) avg:(-6.60916e-09 6.21956e-06 1.95522e-09)
     feature  : max:(-0.000724862 -0.000766408 -0.000758121) avg:(-9.431e-08 -1.82382e-07 2.3502e-09)
Feature analysis : total master points:1423024 attraction to :
    feature point   : 58
    feature edge    : 8492
    nearest surface : 0
    rest            : 1414474
At first glance this seems somewhat unsettling since there are so many of the similar lines. Researching this didn't lead to anything of value. So my question is wether somebady could explain, what this snpiiet means?

Thanks in advance
Hr_kules is offline   Reply With Quote


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