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[mesh manipulation] Problem in SplitMeshRegion when the stl mesh is scaled down

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Old   January 27, 2022, 02:54
Default Problem in SplitMeshRegion when the stl mesh is scaled down
Sunag R A
Join Date: Jul 2019
Location: Bangalore, India
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Dear all,

1. Initially, I have assigned stl mesh inside topoSet using surfaceToCell and ran the topoSet. Its working as expected.

2. Afterwards, I run the splitMeshRegion and it gave me correct region splitting with 2 regions(expected).

3. Now, I scaled down the stl mesh to 40%. Again I ran the topoSet with this new stl mesh. The topoSet ran properly.

4. But, when I run splitMeshRegions, it creates many external domain which is not needed. What would be the issue with respect to this?

I have checked the stl mesh using SurfaceCheck before and after scaling it. In both cases, the surface is closed.

Any leads will be appreciated.

Sunag R A.
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Old   January 28, 2022, 03:33
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Gerhard Holzinger
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Could it be that scaling the STL adversely changes its position relative to the mesh? You can check this easily, by visualising the unscaled and the scaled STL in ParaView.

Scaling the STL may also alter its position in space as is depicted in the attached sketch. On the left, we see an unscaled triangle mesh. If we scale the triangle mesh down, we essentially scale down the position vectors of all triangle nodes. Thus, if the STL is not centered around the coordinate axes, scaling the mesh inevitably changes the position. On the right, we see a scaled triangle mesh, that has been scaled down.
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Old   January 29, 2022, 01:50
Sunag R A
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Originally Posted by GerhardHolzinger View Post
Could it be that scaling the STL adversely changes its position relative to the mesh? You can check this easily, by visualising the unscaled and the scaled STL in ParaView.

Scaling the STL may also alter its position in space as is depicted in the attached sketch. On the left, we see an unscaled triangle mesh. If we scale the triangle mesh down, we essentially scale down the position vectors of all triangle nodes. Thus, if the STL is not centered around the coordinate axes, scaling the mesh inevitably changes the position. On the right, we see a scaled triangle mesh, that has been scaled down.

Dear Gerhard Holzinger,

Thank you very much for your reply. I tried to scale down the mesh by keeping the STL centered. The mesh looks good but not splitting into the expected regions as described in the question. As you said scaling may alter the position, how to make it better? Or, is scaling all the time creates this error?

Sunag R A.
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splitmeshregions, stl, toposet

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