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[Other] Meshing Issue with cfMesh

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Old   March 4, 2021, 18:13
Default Meshing Issue with cfMesh
Join Date: May 2019
Posts: 42
Rep Power: 7
mwmalkawi is on a distinguished road
Dear All i appreciate you help on below issue i been facing in last two month using cfMesh to mesh a circular tank

I have an issue with cfMesh and i noticed in the forum you had input valuable ones i have a circular tank with baffle walls inside the baffle wall is of 300mm thickness but the circular tank is of 80m dia so i am using 600mm cell size the issue is the tank baffle walls which are like gaps in my CFD model are being meshed.I have attached my STL files and combined STL files also my meshDict file

surfaceFile "combined.stl";

maxCellSize 0.6; // in m it is 0.4

minCellSize 0.6;

keepCellsIntersectingBoundary 1; // 1 keep 0 only internal cells are used, if the cell size is locally larger than the geometry feature size it may result with gaps in the geometry being filled by the mesh to overocme this case use removeCellsIntersectingPatches. On the contrary, when mesh in thin parts of the geometry can be lost if the specified cell size is larger than the local feature size then use keepCellsIntersectingBoundary. Makes sure that during the meshing process all the cells intersecting the surface template are kept. Useful in capturing small gaps in a geometry. Use 1 for keeping the cells intersecting the boundary and 0 for keeping only the internal cells.By default it is set to 0. Sometimes activating (1) it resutls in connecting two distinct parts in the geometry for this reason checkForGluedMesh is activated (1)

checkForGluedMesh 1; // . This option ensures that gluing of surfaces do not happen. Use 1 to keep this option active and 0 for inactive. This option can only be used when keepCellsIntersectingBoundary is active. By default it is set to 0.

removeCellsIntersectingPatches // to remove cells that are intersecting a patch or geometry that results in mesh being glued to overcome this probelm cells need to be removed in order to preserve the goemetry from the mesh

keepCells 0; // 0 remove or 1 keep

keepCells 0; // 0 remove or 1 keep


cellSize 0.2;
//additionalRefinementLevels 1;
refinementThickness 1.6; // thikness of refinement away from patch

cellSize 0.2;
//additionalRefinementLevels 1;
refinementThickness 1.6; // thikness of refinement away from patch
cellSize 0.15;
//additionalRefinementLevels 1;
refinementThickness 1.6; // thikness of refinement away from patch

cellSize 0.15;
//additionalRefinementLevels 1;
refinementThickness 1.6; // thikness of refinement away from patch


maxNonOrthogonality 65;
// maxInternalSkewness 5;
// minTetQuality 1e-30; //Minimum quality of the tet formed by the face-centre and variable base point minimum decomposition triangles and the cell centre. Set to very negative number (e.g. -1E30) to disable.

// ************************************************** *********************** //
Attached Files
File Type: gz meshDict.tar.gz (1.6 KB, 1 views)
File Type: gz STL.tar.gz (34.6 KB, 0 views)
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