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[blockMesh] Meshing a thin annulus ring within a larger mesh

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Old   October 28, 2020, 15:49
Default Meshing a thin annulus ring within a larger mesh
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Dave Huber
Join Date: Apr 2020
Location: Jupiter, FL, USA
Posts: 13
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Prop is on a distinguished road
I am modeling a cylindrical body that exhausts gas on the aft face, and with a propeller with a hub (seal) that slides into this aft face at a slightly lower diameter. There is then a small gap between the cylindrical body and the propeller hub seal, and I wish to model the seal flow as well. I am meshing with a single block in blockmesh and using multiple emesh files with different refinement, and it meshes everything great except for the seal gap - I need to refine so much in that small annulus to get the targeted 5-6 cells radially that the resulting cells have also tiny tangential dimensions, and greatly slow the simulation due to very small time step. Ideally I'd use a structured mesh in this annulus using cells with small radial cell lengths but larger tangential cell lengths.

I've looked into addlayers, multi-block using wedge meshes, and other options, and I'm not sure what is my best option. Any ideas on the best way to attack this? At the location in question, a cross-section of the ideal mesh would be a cylindrical wedge mesh where the last small section of radial length would have much smaller radial cell lengths, and then outside of this is 4 sections (sides) with an outside mesh. Kindof like an O-grid mesh for pipes but with a cylinder in the center and a rectangular outer mesh, and with the aforementioned high refinement only in the seal gap.
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