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[blockMesh] BlockMesh: simpleGrading problem

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Old   April 24, 2020, 11:28
Default BlockMesh: simpleGrading problem
New Member
Join Date: Nov 2019
Location: Germany
Posts: 10
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Dmarcohe is on a distinguished road
Hello Everyone,

i am trying to mesh a simple geometry with blockMesh. Now i want to refine some regions with simpleGrading, but it only works with 1 in z-Direction. I put everywhere the same number of cells but (15 1 x>1) etc. is not working.

Inconsistent point locations between block pair 1 and 2
probably due to inconsistent grading.

(2 in z-Direction for hex I - V)

When i am putting in first the z-Lines there is no Problem, but then blockMesh will not grade the mesh.

CheckMesh only failed the check about the aspectRatios which should be irrelevant.

Here is my blockMesh dict

(0 0 0) //0 Block
(1.2 0 0) //1
(1.9 0 0) //2
(2.1 0 0) //3
(2.8 0 0) //4
(4 0 0) //5

(4 0.5 0) //6
(2.8 0.5 0) //7
(2.1 0.5 0) //8
(1.9 0.5 0) //9
(1.2 0.5 0) //10
(0 0.5 0) //11

(0 0 1) //12
(1.2 0 1) //13
(1.9 0 1) //14
(2.1 0 1) //15
(2.8 0 1) //16
(4 0 1) //17

(4 0.5 1) //18
(2.8 0.5 1) //19
(2.1 0.5 1) //20
(1.9 0.5 1) //21
(1.2 0.5 1) //22
(0 0.5 1) //23

(0 0 3) //24
(1.2 0 3) //25
(1.9 0 3) //26
(2.1 0 3) //27
(2.8 0 3) //28
(4 0 3) //29

(4 0.5 3) //30
(2.8 0.5 3) //31
(2.1 0.5 3) //32
(1.9 0.5 3) //33
(1.2 0.5 3) //34
(0 0.5 3) //35

(1.7 0 -5) //36 Düse
(2.3 0 -5) //37
(2.3 0.5 -5) //38
(1.7 0.5 -5) //39


hex (0 1 10 11 12 13 22 23) (15 1 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //I Block
hex (1 2 9 10 13 14 21 22) (25 1 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //II
hex (2 3 8 9 14 15 20 21) (75 1 1) //III
(0.5 0.5 4) // 50% y-dir, 50% cells, expansion = 4
(0.5 0.5 0.25) // 50% y-dir, 50% cells, expansion = 0.25
2 //Y-Richtung
3 //Z-Richtung

hex (3 4 7 8 15 16 19 20) (25 1 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //IV
hex (4 5 6 7 16 17 18 19) (15 1 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //V
hex (12 13 22 23 24 25 34 35) (15 1 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //VI
hex (13 14 21 22 25 26 33 34) (25 1 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //VII
hex (14 15 20 21 26 27 32 33) (75 1 1) //VIII
(0.5 0.5 4) // 50% y-dir, 50% cells, expansion = 4
(0.5 0.5 0.25) // 50% y-dir, 50% cells, expansion = 0.25
2 //Y-Richtung
3 //Z-Richtung

hex (15 16 19 20 27 28 31 32) (25 1 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //IX
hex (16 17 18 19 28 29 30 31) (15 1 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //X
hex (36 37 38 39 2 3 8 9) (75 1 200) //XI Düse
(0.5 0.5 4) // 50% y-dir, 50% cells, expansion = 4
(0.5 0.5 0.25) // 50% y-dir, 50% cells, expansion = 0.25
2 //Y-Richtung
3 //Z-Richtung



type wall;
(0 11 23 12) //Seite links
(12 23 35 24)

(5 6 18 17) //Seite rechts
(17 18 30 29)

(0 1 10 11) //Boden
(1 2 9 10)
(3 4 7 8)
(4 5 6 7)

(24 25 34 35) //Decke
(25 26 33 34)
(26 27 32 33)
(27 28 31 32)
(28 29 30 31)

(36 39 9 2) //Düse links
(37 38 8 3) //Düse rechts
(36 37 38 39) //Düse Unten

type empty;
(0 1 13 12) //Vorne unten
(1 2 14 13)
(2 3 15 14)
(3 4 16 15)
(4 5 17 16)

(12 13 25 24) //Vorne oben
(13 14 26 25)
(14 15 27 26)
(15 16 28 27)
(16 17 29 28)

(11 10 22 23) //Hinten unten
(10 9 21 22)
(9 8 20 21)
(8 7 19 20)
(7 6 18 19)

(23 22 34 35) //Hinten oben
(22 21 33 34)
(21 20 32 33)
(20 19 31 32)
(19 18 30 31)

(36 37 3 2) // Düse vorne
(39 38 8 9) // Düse hinten
Dmarcohe is offline   Reply With Quote


blockmeshdict, meshing 2d, openfoam 1806, refinement

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