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[surface handling] Centrifugal Pump MRF-setup - split/intersect stl surfaces into several patches

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Old   November 20, 2019, 11:03
Default Centrifugal Pump MRF-setup - split/intersect stl surfaces into several patches
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I try to set up a centrifugal pump as a mrf case. My model consists of two stl-files each for the rotor and one for the stator region. As you can see in picture 1, each stl file contains named surfaces for the walls, inlets and outlets.

Meshing is done with cfmesh separated for the rotor and the stator with a final merging to a single mesh and a setup of the cell-zones.

If i try to run the full setup case with the rotor outflow section and the stator inlet section as neighbour patches of an cylindricAMI interface simpleFoam exits with "FOAM FATAL ERROR: Unable to set source and target faces" while creating the "adressing and weights between the [AMI] source and target faces".

I assume the problem is that the trailing edges of the blades are not modelled (picture 3) and the neighboring patches are not completely the same. (gaps at the trailing edge positions)

So is there a way to split the inflow face of the stator into a fluid inflow region and the blade trailing edge (walls)?
Maybe by an intersection/splitting of the two stl surfaces?

I appreciate your help.
Attached Images
File Type: png 01_RotorStatorOverview.PNG (81.4 KB, 29 views)
File Type: jpg 01_RotorOutlet.jpg (62.5 KB, 28 views)
File Type: png 03_OutflowFaces.PNG (155.0 KB, 19 views)
File Type: png 04_InflowFaceStator.PNG (116.7 KB, 14 views)
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Old   November 29, 2023, 13:39
Pedro Gouveia
Join Date: Oct 2022
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unilord is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by .bastian View Post

I try to set up a centrifugal pump as a mrf case. My model consists of two stl-files each for the rotor and one for the stator region. As you can see in picture 1, each stl file contains named surfaces for the walls, inlets and outlets.

Meshing is done with cfmesh separated for the rotor and the stator with a final merging to a single mesh and a setup of the cell-zones.

If i try to run the full setup case with the rotor outflow section and the stator inlet section as neighbour patches of an cylindricAMI interface simpleFoam exits with "FOAM FATAL ERROR: Unable to set source and target faces" while creating the "adressing and weights between the [AMI] source and target faces".

I assume the problem is that the trailing edges of the blades are not modelled (picture 3) and the neighboring patches are not completely the same. (gaps at the trailing edge positions)

So is there a way to split the inflow face of the stator into a fluid inflow region and the blade trailing edge (walls)?
Maybe by an intersection/splitting of the two stl surfaces?

I appreciate your help.

Did you manage to solve that problem? I am facing the same issue, but the only solution I came up with was to further the impeller domain (MRF zone) so the tip face would get into the domain. However, that induces some errors, since I will put also a part of the water fluid outside the impeller on rotation.

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centrifugal pump, cfmesh, intersection surface mesh, mrf simplefoam, stl mesh

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