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[blockMesh] Meshing Error Please Help!!!

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Old   November 19, 2019, 13:39
Smile Meshing Error Please Help!!!
New Member
Join Date: Nov 2019
Posts: 1
Rep Power: 0
owilliams4 is on a distinguished road
I am having trouble with matching faces between blocks.

The error I receive is:

Inconsistent number of faces between block pair 0 and 1

I have spent many hours trying to fix this problem and so am posting as a last resort.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Kind regards

Ps. my code is below:

/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
| ========= | |
| \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox |
| \\ / O peration | Version: v1906 |
| \\ / A nd | Web: |
| \\/ M anipulation | |
version 2.0;
format ascii;
class dictionary;
object blockMeshDict;
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //

scale 0.01;

(0 2 2)
(0 2 -2)
(0 -2 -2)
(0 -2 2)

(0 6.243 6.243)
(0 6.243 -6.243)
(0 -6.243 -6.243)
(0 -6.243 6.243)

(0 7.657 7.657)
(0 7.657 -7.657)
(0 -7.657 -7.657)
(0 -7.657 7.657)

(100 2 2)
(100 2 -2)
(100 -2 -2)
(100 -2 2)

(100 6.243 6.243)
(100 6.243 -6.243)
(100 -6.243 -6.243)
(100 -6.243 6.243)

(100 7.657 7.657)
(100 7.657 -7.657)
(100 -7.657 -7.657)
(100 -7.657 7.657)

hex (0 3 2 1 12 15 14 13) (100 10 10) simpleGrading (1 1 1)

hex (0 1 5 4 12 13 17 16) (100 10 10) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
hex (1 2 6 5 13 14 18 17) (100 10 10) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
hex (2 3 7 6 14 15 19 18) (100 10 10) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
hex (3 0 4 7 15 12 16 19) (100 10 10) simpleGrading (1 1 1)

hex (4 5 9 8 16 17 21 20) (100 10 10) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
hex (5 6 10 9 17 18 22 21) (100 10 10) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
hex (6 7 11 10 18 19 23 22) (100 10 10) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
hex (7 4 8 11 19 16 20 23) (100 10 10) simpleGrading (1 1 1)

arc 7 4 (0 0 8)
arc 11 8 (0 0 10)

arc 4 5 (0 8 0)
arc 8 9 (0 10 0)

arc 5 6 (0 0 -8)
arc 9 10 (0 0 -10)

arc 6 7 (0 -8 0)
arc 10 11 (0 -10 0)

arc 19 16 (100 0 8)
arc 23 20 (100 0 10)

arc 16 17 (100 8 0)
arc 20 21 (100 10 0)

arc 17 18 (100 0 -8)
arc 21 22 (100 0 -10)

arc 18 19 (100 -8 0)
arc 22 23 (100 -10 0)

type patch;
(0 1 2 3)

(0 4 5 1)
(4 8 9 5)

(1 5 6 2)
(5 9 10 6)

(2 6 7 3)
(6 10 11 7)

(0 3 7 4)
(7 11 8 4)
type patch;
(12 15 14 13)

(12 13 17 16)
(16 17 21 20)

(13 14 18 17)
(17 18 22 21)

(14 15 19 18)
(18 19 23 22)

(12 16 19 15)
(16 20 23 19)
type wall;
(8 11 23 20)
(9 8 20 21)
(21 22 10 9)
(10 22 23 11)

Running blockMesh

Create time

Creating block mesh from "system/blockMeshDict"
Creating block edges
No non-planar block faces defined
Creating topology blocks
Creating topology patches

Creating block mesh topology

Check topology

Basic statistics
Number of internal faces : 16
Number of boundary faces : 22
Number of defined boundary faces : 22
Number of undefined boundary faces : 0
Checking patch -> block consistency

Creating block offsets
Creating merge list

Inconsistent number of faces between block pair 0 and 1

From function void Foam::blockMesh::calcMergeInfo()
in file blockMesh/blockMeshMerge.C at line 223.

FOAM exiting

owilliams4 is offline   Reply With Quote

Old   November 20, 2019, 07:51
Damian Berghof
Join Date: May 2019
Posts: 41
Rep Power: 11
virengos will become famous soon enough
Hello Ollie, I don't really know what's wrong with your blockMeshDict. I simply gave up to use it and switched over to Salome, where the blockMesh for simple geometries can be meshed very easily. Just this morning I released my new video about this procedure, maybe interesting for you:
Get more support about Meshing with Salome and Visualization with ParaView in my growing groups
virengos is offline   Reply With Quote


beginner, error, mesh, mesh 3d, openfoam

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