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[mesh manipulation] splitting up a mesh in two regions with SHM and setSet

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Old   September 26, 2019, 10:50
Default splitting up a mesh in two regions with SHM and setSet
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Join Date: Aug 2019
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vince_cfd is on a distinguished road
Hello cfd-online members,

currently I'm encountering yet another problem... I want to split a mesh I created via snappyHexMesh into two regions using the setSet utility. This was no problem until I recently changed from OF v7 to OF v1906 (the ESI version). There must be some kind of change in the syntax and I'm not able to figure it out. I have been looking through dozens of threads in this and another forum and also the documentation, but I couldn't find anything that solved this.

I created a simple case as an example, I have a cubic basic mesh and add in a cylinder. The cylinder is supposed to be one region and the rest of cells is to be assigned to another region with the setSet utility.

What I would have done in OF v7:

- blockMesh
- surfaceFeatureExtract
- snappyHexMesh
- setSet -batch system/setSetDict

In OF v1906 this works until the setSet part. Here I tried to execute my commands individually (without the -batch) and tried to figure out where I was going wrong, but even with the "help" function I couldn't figure it out.

I never posted a case on here before, but I uploaded my data to a github, I think it should be open for anyone to see.

Thank you already,

EDIT: Was able to solve it. The Syntax wasn't changed, it is just that setSet wouldn't refer to the latest timestep, but to time 0. Therefore, if I just use SMH -overwrite and go on as I was used to, it works.

Last edited by vince_cfd; September 27, 2019 at 05:29. Reason: solved it
vince_cfd is offline   Reply With Quote


multi region, openfoam 1906, setset, snappy hex mesh

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