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[blockMesh] cylinder defined but not showing in paraFoam

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Old   May 10, 2019, 15:24
Default cylinder defined but not showing in paraFoam
New Member
George Lindow
Join Date: May 2019
Posts: 3
Rep Power: 7
George2105 is on a distinguished road
Hey guys,

I've created a mesh which is meant to have a cylinder 'cut-out' from it but when I mesh it, it isn't quite a full circle, instead it has two straight lines on the left and right hand sides. I've tried modifying the code and I can't seem to find a solution and I'd appreciate any help you can give. I'll paste my code below this as well as a picture of the mesh.

Many thanks.

/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
  =========                 |
  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
   \\    /   O peration     | Website:
    \\  /    A nd           | Version:  6
     \\/     M anipulation  |
      version     2.0; 
      format      ascii; 
      class       dictionary; 
      object      blockMeshDict; 
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // 

convertToMeters 0.001;


	(0     0      0)	//0
	(9.03  0      0)	//1
	(9.03  -3.45  0)	//2
	(5.395 -17    0)	//3
	(5.53  -18.5  0)	//4
	(10.53 -18.5  0)	//5
	(10.53 -38.5  0)	//6
	(5.53  -38.5  0)	//7
	(3.5   -38.5  0) 	//8
	(-1.5  -38.5  0)	//9
	(-1.5  -18.5  0)	//10
	(3.5   -18.5  0)	//11
	(3.635 -17    0)	//12
	(0     -3.45  0)	//13
	(3.666471836 -19.65147186 0) //14
	(5.363528137 -19.65147186 0) //15
	(5.363528137 -21.34852814 0) //16
	(3.666471836 -21.34852814 0) //17
	(5.53 -25 0) //18
	(3.5 -25 0)  //19

	(0     0      -1)	//20
	(9.03  0      -1)	//21
	(9.03  -3.45  -1)	//22
	(5.395 -17    -1)	//23
	(5.53  -18.5  -1)	//24
	(10.53 -18.5  -1)	//25
	(10.53 -38.5  -1)	//26
	(5.53  -38.5  -1)	//27
	(3.5   -38.5  -1) 	//28
	(-1.5  -38.5  -1)	//29
	(-1.5  -18.5  -1)	//30
	(3.5   -18.5  -1)	//31
	(3.635 -17    -1)	//32
	(0     -3.45  -1)	//33
	(3.666471836 -19.65147186 -1) //34
	(5.363528137 -19.65147186 -1) //35
	(5.363528137 -21.34852814 -1) //36
	(3.666471836 -21.34852814 -1) //37
	(5.53 -25 -1) //38
	(3.5 -25 -1)  //39


	hex (0 1 2 13 20 21 22 33)   	(10 10 10)   simpleGrading (1 1 1)
	hex (13 2 3 12 33 22 23 32)  	(10 10 10)   simpleGrading (1 1 1)
	hex (12 3 4 11 32 23 24 31)	(10 10 10)   simpleGrading (1 1 1)
	hex (11 4 15 14 31 24 35 34)	(10 10 10)   simpleGrading (1 1 1)
	hex (4 18 16 15 24 38 36 35)	(10 10 10)   simpleGrading (1 1 1)
	hex (16 18 19 17 36 38 39 37)	(10 10 10)   simpleGrading (1 1 1)
	hex (17 19 11 14 37 39 31 34)	(10 10 10)   simpleGrading (1 1 1)
	hex (19 18 7 8 39 38 27 28)	(10 10 10)   simpleGrading (1 1 1)
	hex (4 5 6 7 24 25 26 27)	(10 10 10)   simpleGrading (1 1 1)
	hex (10 11 8 9 30 31 28 29)	(10 10 10)   simpleGrading (1 1 1)


	//cylinder work piece

	arc 14 15 (4.515 -19.3 0)
	arc 15 16 (5.715 -20.5 0)
	arc 16 17 (4.515 -21.7 0)
	arc 17 14 (3.315 -20.5 0)

	arc 34 35 (4.515 -19.3 -1)
	arc 35 36 (5.715 -20.5 -1)
	arc 36 37 (4.515 -21.7 -1)
	arc 37 34 (3.315 -20.5 -1)


		type patch;
			(0 1 21 20)

		type patch;
			(4 5 25 24)
			(5 6 26 25)
			(7 6 26 27)
			(8 7 27 28)
			(9 8 28 29)
			(10 9 29 30)
			(10 11 31 30)

		type wall;
			(1 2 22 21)
			(0 13 20 33)
			(13 12 32 33)
			(2 3 23 22)
			(3 4 24 23)
			(12 11 31 32)
			(15 16 36 35)
			(16 17 37 36)
			(17 14 34 37)
			(14 15 35 34)

        	type empty;
            		(0 1 2 13)
			(20 21 22 33)
			(13 2 3 12)
			(33 22 23 32)
			(12 3 4 11)
			(32 23 24 31)
			(11 4 15 14)
			(31 24 35 34)
			(4 18 16 15)
			(24 38 36 35)
			(16 18 19 17)
			(36 38 39 37)
			(11 14 17 19)
			(31 34 37 39)
			(19 18 7 8)
			(39 38 27 28)
			(4 5 6 7)
			(24 25 26 27)
			(10 11 8 9)
			(30 31 28 29)


// ************************************************************************* //
Attached Images
File Type: jpg Screenshot from 2019-05-10 19:22:15.jpg (59.9 KB, 3 views)
George2105 is offline   Reply With Quote


mesh 3d, meshing 2d, openfoam mesh files, parafoam

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