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[snappyHexMesh] Different nCellsBetweenLayers in SHM?

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Old   April 22, 2019, 12:06
Question Different nCellsBetweenLayers in SHM?
New Member
Misael Goicoechea
Join Date: Feb 2019
Posts: 3
Rep Power: 7
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Good day everyone,

Currently I am working on a mesh for a ship, so far I have manged to successfully generate a working mesh. However there are some aspects of this mesh that still bother me. One of those is the presence of isolated cells with different refinement level (see picture attached).

I believe this is due to how SHM manages buffer zones between different refinement layers. For my particular case, a refinement region in the shape of a box, the cells seem to be added to either side of the region and the corners have a smaller number of buffer cells. This leaves not fully refined cells in the corners.

I have managed to solve this problem by manually setting the buffer zones as different refinement regions with decreasing refinement level and a nCellsBetweenLevel = 1 setting. However the nCellsBetweenLevel seems to be a general setting for the SHM process and I would want a different nCellsBetweenLevel for the refinement region and the surface.

Does anyone know if this is possible within SHM?

Thanks in beforehand
Attached Images
File Type: png isolatedNotRefinedCells.png (156.5 KB, 46 views)
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castellatedmeshcontrols, isolatedcells, meshing, ncellsbetweenlevels, snappyhexmesh

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