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[blockMesh] FOAM Fatal Error when I want to make a patch in a semicircle

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Old   October 31, 2018, 12:26
Default FOAM Fatal Error when I want to make a patch in a semicircle
New Member
Alexandru Mihai
Join Date: Oct 2018
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alexbadescu24 is on a distinguished road
Hy guys,
I am new to OpenFoam and C++,

I have to make an inlet patch for a semicircle section of an inside pipe. The semicircle pipe is comprised out of 4 blocks and it can be seen in the picture below with the chosen numbers. The problem is when I try to write them I do not know why is giving me the error that it can find neighbor cell faces.

Here is the code. Can you help me out please?

/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
========= | foam-extend-4.0: Open Source CFD
\\ / F ield | URL:
\\ / O peration |
\\ / A nd | OpenFOAM-6: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
\\/ M anipulation | URL:
version 2.0;
format ascii;
class dictionary;
location "constant/polyMesh";
object blockMeshDict;

convertToMeters 0.001;

(0 0 -7.5) // point 0 as 4'''
(750 0 -7.5) // point 1 as 5'''
(750 7.5 -7.5) // point 2 & 1" & 6'''
(0 7.5 -7.5) // point 3 & 0" & 7'''
(0 0 7.5) // point 4 as 0'
(750 0 7.5) // point 5 as 1'
(750 7.5 7.5) // point 6 as 2'
(0 7.5 7.5) // point 7 as 3'
(0 0 22.5) // point 8 as 4'
(750 0 22.5) // point 9 as 5'
(750 15.9 15.9) // point 10 as 6'
(0 15.9 15.9) // point 11 as 7'
(750 15.9 -15.9) // point 12 as 2" & 2'''
(0 15.9 -15.9) // point 13 as 3" & 3'''
(0 0 -22.5) // point 14 as 0'''
(750 0 -22.5) // point 15 as 1'''

// Order of points defines local coordinate system!
hex (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) (10 10 10) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
hex (4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11) (10 10 10) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
hex (3 2 12 13 7 6 10 11) (10 10 10) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
hex (14 15 12 13 0 1 2 3) (10 10 10) simpleGrading (1 1 1)



// We can bend existing block edges only!
arc 8 11 (0 8.61 20.78)
arc 9 10 (750 8.61 20.78)
arc 11 13 (0 22.5 0)
arc 10 12 (750 22.5 0)
arc 13 14 (0 8.61 -20.78)
arc 12 15 (750 8.61 -20.78)



// Boundaries are named geometrical boundaries for the boundary conditions.

wall // boundary name
type wall; // 'wall' is a boundary where no flow can go through.
(8 9 10 11)
(11 10 12 13)
(13 12 15 14)
cut // boundary name
type patch; // 'patch' is a general boundary where flow can go through.
(9 8 4 5)
(5 4 0 1)
(1 0 14 15)
patch2 // boundary name
type patch; // 'patch' is a general boundary where flow can go through.
(8 11 5 4)
(4 5 3 0)
(0 3 13 14)
(13 3 5 11)

// Other boundary types are, for example, symmetry, cyclic etc.


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Old   November 1, 2018, 03:42
Senior Member
Zander Meiring
Join Date: Jul 2018
Posts: 125
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yambanshee is on a distinguished road
Please attach an image of the blocks you are trying to build, as well as the error that is outputted
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Old   November 3, 2018, 08:50
New Member
Alexandru Mihai
Join Date: Oct 2018
Posts: 2
Rep Power: 0
alexbadescu24 is on a distinguished road
I managed to solve the error. It was a typo in my code. Please close this thread.
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blockmesh, error, merge, semicircle

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