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[mesh manipulation] refineMesh on complex geometry

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Old   November 4, 2017, 18:19
Default refineMesh on complex geometry
Luis Eduardo
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 85
Rep Power: 15
lebc is on a distinguished road
Hi all,

I'm working with an optimization of source terms' location problem, my case involves changing the coordinates of such source terms (between 20~50 sources) on each optimizations step.

Until now I was using the following sequence:

1- Get coordinates from optimizer;
2- Generate mesh and refine it in the region where the source term will be inserted using snappyHexMesh;
3- Run topoSet and run the simulation.

It worked fine for a test case, but as this scale up (regarding mesh size and complexity) it would be unpractical to re-mesh everything on every optimization loop... I have researched a little and found refineMesh, but I'm not sure if it would be a much faster option. My idea with it is to use SHM to generate the starting mesh and then refine the source term regions on each step of the optimization loop.

Do you have any experience with it? Does it seem to be a good option? Is there another better option?

I'm using OF4.1.

Kind regards,
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refinemesh, snappyhexmesh

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