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[snappyHexMesh] SHM for meshing plane surface without morphological changes

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Old   October 27, 2017, 09:32
Default SHM for meshing plane surface without morphological changes
Ali Noaman Ibrahim
Join Date: Sep 2015
Location: US_Chicago
Posts: 97
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alinuman15 is on a distinguished road
Dear All:-
Using SHM, I made a different trials for meshing a plane compound surface which is formed from two different shapes. For example, a triangle bounded by a rectangle. However, no patch had been added to the blockMesh file after running SHM . My scenario for meshing was as follows:-
- Making a watertight stl cube such that its bottom surface is the compound surface.
- Making a stl for each of the constituents of that cube ( left, right, back, front, top, triangle, and triangle-off-rectangle).
-Making all the constituents as a patches with the suitable surface based refinement and the cub as a refinementRegion sub-dictionary for the castellatedMeshControls to make the required volumetric refinements.
-Making the background mesh box bigger than the cub.

Everything went well. However, after running, non of the mentioned patches is added to the background mesh ( in the blockMesh file) and no .eMesh file is produced for any patch, except for the triangle and its bound rectangle.
I appreciate any clue , comment and suggestion.
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