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[snappyHexMesh] Tiny bumps on surface - sMH

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Old   October 19, 2017, 02:05
Default Tiny bumps on surface - sMH
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bentkj is on a distinguished road
Hi everyone, I am having some trouble with sHM and would like some help.

  1. I am trying to conduct an external flow over a wing (NASA CRM) and currently I'm trying to create the mesh with snappyHexMesh.
  2. The .stl file that I'm using is prepared with salome, with the inspections for Detect self-intersections giving 'There are no self-intersections in the shape' and check free boundaries to return 0 for both open and close free boundaries. A single patch is created for the entire wing.
  3. The .stl (which is scaled from mm to m using surfaceTransformPoints) seems to be alright with surfaceCheck reporting that the surface is closed.

Upon generating the external mesh with blockMesh (cell aspect ratio =1) and snappyHexMesh, I get bumps over the surface of the wing as shown in the pictures. It seems like these tend to appear where the cells transit between refinements. I have tried playing around with te sMHDict and meshqualityDict files with not much improvement in the mesh. However, I have observed that if I set the min/max refinementSurfaces values to the same, i.e. (10 10), the bumps do not show up. However this leads to extremely high cell counts and I would like something more reasonable i.e. (5 10), to which the bumps appear again. There's a similar post on this which was suggested to use minTetQuality -1e30. This helps alittle, but the bumps are still present.

I hope I have provided enough information to receive help my geometry file is ~100mb so I'll have to share that separately if necessary. I have been stuck on this for about 3 weeks now so anything is REALLY appreciated!!
Attached Images
File Type: jpg surface-bumps-wing.jpg (24.0 KB, 211 views)
Attached Files
File Type: txt checkMesh-output.txt (3.5 KB, 18 views)
File Type: txt smH-output.txt (109.0 KB, 38 views)
File Type: txt snappyHexMeshDict.txt (9.5 KB, 81 views)
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Old   October 19, 2017, 11:27
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related to your request on my youtube-channel, some remarks.

  • You do only 30 smoothing iterations (a bit less I think)
  • You have problems in your cells as you can see in the output of sHM during snapping
  • I only can guess based on the output of sHM. nCells should be set larger and the refinement method you are using should be corrected
  • the feature edge refinement should be changed (see and you should check your features edge mesh if you did not do that till now
  • Depending on everything, the tolerance factor can be enlarged a bit (based on the warning you have - but I do not have any idea where the point is located, OpenFOAM tells you).
Keep foaming,
Tobias Holzmann
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Old   January 7, 2019, 07:33
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Gerd Fade
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Dear snappy-users,

I also face a problem with "bumps" on the snapped surface (NACA-wing), like:

And here you can see the underlying stl-file:

Further details:
- featureSnap is turned off here
- the blockMesh is isotropic

- for a coarser mesh, no bumps occur
- snapControls:
nSmoothPatch 1; // 3; 5;

tolerance 4.0; // 2.0; 6.0;

nSolveIter 0; // 30; 60;

nRelaxIter 10; //5;

I played around more than a week but w/o success. It seems NOT to depend on
- the resolution of the stl-file
- the Foam version (1806 or 5)

Any idea would be highly appreciated!
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bumps, mesh, snappyhexmesh, wing

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