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[Other] AutoRefineMesh

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Old   October 17, 2017, 16:03
Default AutoRefineMesh
Join Date: Jun 2017
Posts: 73
Rep Power: 9
Friendly is on a distinguished road

I would like to use autoRefineMesh.I have a question concerning the autoRefineMeshDict:

FoamFile {     version     2.0;     format      ascii;     class       dictionary;     object      autoRefineMeshDict; } // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //  // Surface to keep to surface         "plexi.obj";  // What is outside. These points have to be inside a cell (so not on a face!) outsidePoints   ((-0.99001 -0.99001 -0.99001));  // // Selection of cells to refine //  // If smallest edge of mesh > maxEdgeLen select all cut cells for refinement. // If < maxEdgeLen select only those cut cells which are closer than curvatureDistance  // to surface and with cos of angle between normals on surface < curvature. maxEdgeLen          0.1; curvatureDistance   1.0; curvature           0.9;  // if > 0: Remove inside cells at every step. Inside is given by number of // layers separating outside from inside. // (note that we cannot remove outside cells since these contain the outsidePoints) // Do not use this option if you want mesh to spill through a hole which is // not visible on the coarsest level but only becomes visible after refinement nCutLayers 2;  // Refine until smallest edge of mesh < minEdgeLen minEdgeLen      0.1;  // Or until the number of cells would become more than (stops one level before this) cellLimit       2500000;  // // Selection of final set  //  // Select based on side of surface. Usually select inside cells and project // outwards or select outside cells and project inwards. selectCut       false; selectInside    false; selectOutside   true; // Leave out cell closer than nearDistance to the surface.  // Usually 0.5*minEdgeLen. Set to -1 to disable. nearDistance    -1;  // Some cells on the surface of the selected cells might have all their // points on the 'outside'. These would get flattened when projecting so // are either kept and refined (selectHanging) or removed from the set selectHanging   false;  // // Refinement parameters //  // Type of coordinate system coordinateSystem global; //coordinateSystem patchLocal;  // .. and its coefficients. x,y in this case. (normal = tan1^tan2) globalCoeffs {     tan1 (1 0 0);     tan2 (0 1 0); }  patchLocalCoeffs {     patch outside;  // Normal direction is facenormal of zero'th face of patch     tan1 (1 0 0); }  // List of directions to refine directions (     tan1     tan2     normal );  // refinement level difference between neighbouring cells. Set to large if // there is no need for a limit. splitLevel      2;  // Cut purely geometric (will cut hexes through vertices) or take topology // into account. geometricCut    false;  // Whether to use hex topology. This will never cut hex through vertices. useHexTopology  yes;  // Write meshes from intermediate steps writeMesh       true;  // ************************************************************************* //
The Problem is the surface. I am using GMSH for meshing and I have no TriSurafce folder.

Thanks for any advice!
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