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[Gmsh] gmshToFoam loses interior faces

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Old   October 7, 2017, 12:17
Default gmshToFoam loses interior faces
New Member
Join Date: Oct 2017
Posts: 3
Rep Power: 9
bret is on a distinguished road
When I convert a gmsh mesh file to openfoam using gmshToFoam I have series of warnings similar to the following:

--> FOAM Warning : Not using gmsh face 3(2375 2418 2419) since zero vertex is not on boundary of polyMesh

The surfaces "Opening" and "Tunnel" have 0 faces and defaultFaces are not created.

If I create baffles it will create faces for "Opening" but seems to delete "Tunnel" faces.

Other posts allude to errors in the geo file, but I'm not seeing any. I've tried a few different volume configurations with no success.

Please help.

cl = .1;
far_cl = 1;

Point(1) = {0,5,5,cl};
Point(2) = {0,6,5,cl};
Point(3) = {5,6,5,cl};
Point(4) = {5,8,5,cl};
Point(5) = {6,8,5,cl};
Point(6) = {6,5,5,cl};
Point(7) = {0,5,6,cl};
Point(8) = {0,6,6,cl};
Point(9) = {5,6,6,cl};
Point(10) = {5,8,6,cl};
Point(11) = {6,8,6,cl};
Point(12) = {6,5,6,cl};

Point(51) = {0,0,0,far_cl};
Point(52) = {0,15,0,far_cl};
Point(53) = {12,15,0,far_cl};
Point(54) = {12,0,0,far_cl};
Point(55) = {0,0,12,far_cl};
Point(56) = {0,15,12,far_cl};
Point(57) = {12,15,12,far_cl};
Point(58) = {12,0,12,far_cl};

Line(1) = {2, 3};
Line(2) = {3, 4};
Line(3) = {4, 5};
Line(4) = {5, 6};
Line(5) = {6, 1};
Line(6) = {1, 2};
Line(7) = {8, 9};
Line(8) = {9, 10};
Line(9) = {10, 11};
Line(10) = {11, 12};
Line(11) = {12, 7};
Line(12) = {7, 8};
Line(13) = {2, 8};
Line(14) = {3, 9};
Line(15) = {4, 10};
Line(16) = {5, 11};
Line(17) = {6, 12};
Line(18) = {1, 7};

Line Loop(1) = {6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
Plane Surface(1) = {1};

Line Loop(2) = {13, 7, -14, -1};
Plane Surface(2) = {2};

Line Loop(3) = {2, 15, -8, -14};
Plane Surface(3) = {3};

Line Loop(4) = {15, 9, -16, -3};
Plane Surface(4) = {4};

Line Loop(5) = {4, 17, -10, -16};
Plane Surface(5) = {5};

Line Loop(6) = {5, 18, -11, -17};
Plane Surface(6) = {6};

Line Loop(7) = {18, 12, -13, -6};
Plane Surface(7) = {7};

Line Loop(8) = {11, 12, 7, 8, 9, 10};
Plane Surface(8) = {8};

Surface Loop(1) = {6, 1, 7, 8, 2, 3, 4, 5};

Volume(1) = {1};

Line(19) = {51, 52};
Line(20) = {52, 53};
Line(21) = {53, 54};
Line(22) = {54, 51};
Line(23) = {52, 56};
Line(24) = {56, 57};
Line(25) = {57, 53};
Line(26) = {57, 58};
Line(27) = {58, 54};
Line(28) = {58, 55};
Line(29) = {55, 51};
Line(30) = {55, 56};

Line Loop(9) = {19, 23, -30, 29};
Plane Surface(9) = {7, 9};

Line Loop(10) = {20, -25, -24, -23};
Plane Surface(10) = {10};

Line Loop(11) = {30, 24, 26, 28};
Plane Surface(11) = {11};

Line Loop(12) = {25, 21, -27, -26};
Plane Surface(12) = {12};

Line Loop(13) = {27, 22, -29, -28};
Plane Surface(13) = {13};

Line Loop(14) = {19, 20, 21, 22};
Plane Surface(14) = {14};

Surface Loop(2) = {11, 9, 13, 12, 10, 14, 6, 1, 2, 8, 3, 4, 5};
Volume(2) = {2};

Physical Surface("West") = {10};
Physical Surface("North") = {12};
Physical Surface("East") = {13};
Physical Surface("South") = {9};
Physical Surface("Bottom") = {14};
Physical Surface("Top") = {11};
Physical Surface("Tunnel") = {6, 2, 1, 8, 3, 5};
Physical Surface("Source") = {7};
Physical Surface("Opening") = {4};

Physical Volume("FlowField") = {1,2};
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Old   October 8, 2017, 03:35
Default Solved
New Member
Join Date: Oct 2017
Posts: 3
Rep Power: 9
bret is on a distinguished road
Deleted physical surface "Opening".
bret is offline   Reply With Quote


gmsh, gmshtofoam, interior faces

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