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[snappyHexMesh] Problem and doubts with blockMesh, snappyHexMesh and multiple geometry

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Old   August 23, 2017, 12:40
Post Problem and doubts with blockMesh, snappyHexMesh and multiple geometry
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Join Date: Jul 2017
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luca1992 is on a distinguished road
Hello, I'm breaking my head for many days now, I hope someone can help me .
I'm trying to simulate a fire in a tunnel. The solver (fireFoam / smallPoolFire3D) already has inside in the system folder the blockMeshDict file that represents the heat puddle (a cube) from which the fire starts. Now I've created the tunnel in .stl format and for this file I first use surfaceFeatureExtract and then snappyHexMesh. So I have the cube inside the tunnel. Now from what I understand I have to put the tunnel created with snappyHexMesh and the cube created with blockMesh both inside a parallelepiped created with blockMesh that contains both and which represents the background mesh. My questions are:
1) Do the reasoning I have made here is correct?
2) To create the background mesh, I have to use another blockMeshDict file or the same one already present?
3) How do I distract calls in the Allrun file? Or how do I just call one or both?

Thank you, kind regards, Luca.
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block mesh, blockmesh, mesh, multiple, snappyhexmesh

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